If you mean the "Manually block sleep and screen locking" toggle in the battery icon in the systray, then no, that didn't stop the lid action.
joined 1 year ago
50/6 :( 'Murca!
Real nerds learned how to create SP-MIDIs and structured them to degrade gracefully no matter how limited your phone's synth chip was.
Some of the examples in the article are really verbose. I hope that the sign message writers can keep the humor while still being succinct.
CD-R for compatibility
Apple Watch 10 removed the option for pinning apps to the Task Switcher. It's now way more inconvenient to scroll through the App List to find what I want at that moment.
I'm heartbroken that Day 4 isn't "Four Cardassian Spotlights".
If less is more, imagine how much more more can be.