[-] MonkRome@lemmy.world 7 points 2 days ago

Both parties are fully bought and paid for by corporate interests...

I get what you're saying in the rest of your comment but I think you are wrong here. To say "fully" bought and paid for is incredibly misleading. On the vast majority of issues that favor corporate interests democrats vote in favor of working people at a high rate. It's really not hard to check the voting on each issue. It's the same 5% of Dems that repeatedly vote for corporate interests. While the other 95% get blamed for it. On the other hand nearly all Republicans vote in lock step with corporate interests. They are not even remotely comparable.

[-] MonkRome@lemmy.world 40 points 5 months ago

I worked in a non-decision making ITS adjacent capacity between banks and lawyers during the 2008 downturn. I knew full well our company was contracting with awful banks but I got the job while unemployed for several months when there wasn't any jobs. People don't always have a realistic choice in the matter, I was poor and it was entry level $35k cubicle gruntwork. Nothing I did couldn't be replaced by any idiot with basic MS office skills in a 10 minute interview. Me taking the high road would have just fucked up my life for no reason. I left as soon as the job market recovered.

Anyway, I pulled all of my money out of Wells Fargo and tell anyone who will listen to do the same, out of the 30 big banks we worked with they were leaps and bounds more willfully incompetent then all of the others combined. I don't claim to be a good person, I just do what I do like anyone else, I think you're looking at this situation far to ideologically. In corrupt systems we are all complicit on all ends, there is no moral high ground other than starving to death and refusing the system entirely which is nonsense. Nearly all corporations are actively doing evil and a large portion of non-profits are only marginally better.

[-] MonkRome@lemmy.world 37 points 6 months ago

Making money for doing less than nothing, just like when he was CEO!

[-] MonkRome@lemmy.world 37 points 6 months ago

You're worried about kids seeing a nipple while they watch a streamer turn their enemy into a bloody mess. If we can accept kids seeing constant violence in their media, I really don't think nudity is a big deal. We have our priorities all messed up.

[-] MonkRome@lemmy.world 37 points 7 months ago

Woopi Goldberg specializes in saying ignorant shit to try and stay relevant. She's just a shock jock. Stop falling for it.

[-] MonkRome@lemmy.world 35 points 9 months ago

You don't pass bills with 1 vote. Coalition building is a necessary part of democracy. If you don't believe in coalition building, you don't actually believe in democracy...

[-] MonkRome@lemmy.world 41 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Yeah, I always think it's odd when people blame the 3rd party in these situations. It makes me think this dude looked at his girlfriend like he looks at property and its the same as getting his car stolen. She made a choice.

[-] MonkRome@lemmy.world 34 points 10 months ago

I don't even think it matters whether or not Epstein killed himself. Because even if he did, there was too much incentive for those in power to build in the conditions to make it easy enough to happen. IRCC, he was on suicide watch. There had to be intentional negligence to allow the suicide to occur and it seems unlikely that no one attempted to tip the scale in favor of allowing it to happen.

[-] MonkRome@lemmy.world 164 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

It's amazing to me how focused these comments are on the child being "evil" and not the environment that created this situation. A child isn't born believing that shooting their teacher is a viable solution to their problems. At 6 years old you're barely functional. For this to happen they had to exist in a profoundly fucked up environment with no moral compass and access to a lot of information, presented without good context, far above their age. Everyone responsible for raising this kid should be held responsible.

This kid needs years of therapy and support and a loving caregiver. Before the age of 10 children are incredibly impressionable and still undergoing very basic core development, until the age of 25 people are still in development to some level. There are many years ahead where this child can be saved from themselves. There is no reason to call a 6 year old irredeemable.

[-] MonkRome@lemmy.world 47 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Related question, why the fuck do some people feel it necessary to grunt, moan, pant, and otherwise loudly vocalize while shitting? Zero people want to hear you, shut the fuck up, you are gross.

[-] MonkRome@lemmy.world 74 points 11 months ago

Monitor mounting arms that connect to the back of the desk. I have 3 times as much room on my desk now. It's amazing how much room monitor stands really take up. It's not just the actual stand but really the surrounding area because you can't really set any large objects in the vicinity. It really is a game changer to gain a lot of desk space.

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