Maybe nobody should run yellow lights. Sounds like that is the problem in your scenario, not the vehicles.
Going to keep building my factorio factory. Almost done with industrial revolution 3. Should be done in another 40 hours or so...
Also using it since almost a year back i think now. But not pro. I can't find a reason to pay that much for functionality I don't really need even if I would pay to support the dev.
I love the game. Considering to buy it for two of my friends so we can play multiplayer some day.
There is no help. The factory is the only thing there is. I am not even on 1500 hours yet but sometimes i just need a mental break from the game and that period varies... Greatly. I always come back and longing so much for the expansion.
Modded Factorio and elden ring.
Why even make these lists? Game taste is very subjective. I would not rank them in this order but then i haven't played all of them either.
What is wrong with steamlink?
Game is recommended to 18+ and here we are with 10 year olds killing in the game. Alright.
I like mario games but the "new super mario" games are just boring for me so I have high hopes of Wonder.
Also left-handed but always been using computer mice in my right hand and no problems with precision.
I love this game. Made the walks with my kid more fun and longer. The fact that I only have to check the game once or twice a day depending on what I am doing is perfect.