[-] Megaman_EXE@beehaw.org 20 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

Canadian here.

I am not looking forward to this very much. If Trump gets into power, our local politicians are going to crank it into overdrive. They already pander to that demographic, so it's just going to get worse. Not nearly as bad as in America, but nobody wants to live under bad leadership and have their safety taken from them.

I don't really understand how we got to this point. But it just seems like all these grifters came out from the woodwork and are just being crazy in plain sight with no consequences now.

I'm sure they were always there, but I don't feel like it was nearly as bad as it has been. Maybe it's just recency bias clouding my memory, but like... dang.

I would love to see some sort of ranked ballot voting or other method of voting come into place for every democracy. No vote should go to waste because of having to pick between the lesser of two crappy choices.

[-] Megaman_EXE@beehaw.org 6 points 11 hours ago

It annoys me that we can understand this issue, but yet the people in power just don't seem to get it? Maybe they just don't care. It kinda feels like it's a game to them. Will high-ranking democrats really feel the pain from losing? I feel like people with money always seem to not be burdened nearly as much.

[-] Megaman_EXE@beehaw.org 2 points 1 day ago

Thank you! I like it too haha. The battle network games are awesome

[-] Megaman_EXE@beehaw.org 13 points 2 days ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

This made my morning :3

Edit: not a fan of Frank's new look, though. He looks...different.

[-] Megaman_EXE@beehaw.org 1 points 5 days ago

Sorry for the late reply! This is an incredibly extensive list, thank you so much! I'll have to give the game another go at some point here. It seems super charming, so maybe if I go into it with this added knowledge, I'll be able to get my bearings. Have you tried the new game that just released a while back? I think it was called my time at Sandrock?

[-] Megaman_EXE@beehaw.org 16 points 3 weeks ago

I also agree. It sounds like he's just dreaming. My dog used to sprint in his sleep when he was a puppy, which was funny to see. But he also would act exactly as you described.

Something like a seizure would likely be different. My other dog had a seizure once, but it was while he was awake. He slumped over suddenly and shook. He is/was okay, though. It was a weird one-off thing, and after a checkup at the vet, he's been fine for years.

[-] Megaman_EXE@beehaw.org 21 points 3 weeks ago

Man, it's been wild seeing fascism growing over the past decade. I mean, it was always around, but it's really gotten worse. The trouble is I have no idea how you would even begin to resolve the issue.

Like you have people wanting to kill American liberals (which is hilarious because politically the American democrats are not even close to being leftist or the big boogieman, "communist").

It really seems like you have a very large group of uneducated and violent people who think Trump will allow them to fulfill their fantasies of control over others. The pain in the ass is that their ideology is spreading globally.

[-] Megaman_EXE@beehaw.org 16 points 1 month ago

What's hilariously sad is that this could work

[-] Megaman_EXE@beehaw.org 15 points 1 month ago

I'm terrified that one day, I'll be forced back into the office. I think I've gotten extremely lucky so far. I know 100% I would not have made it through the past couple years if I was in the office. We have personal offices, which is a step up from cubicles, but it's 4 white walls and no natural sunlight. In the winter I saw sunlight for maybe 10 minutes total a day if I was lucky.

I just don't think people are meant to be working the way our current societies do. Conditions should be improved across the board for every industry regardless if you are doing white collar or blue collar work. Our lives are too short to be wasted making other people rich.

[-] Megaman_EXE@beehaw.org 24 points 10 months ago

If they had made a statement like this proactively years ago, I maybe would believe it. But now after the years of rumored toxic workplace conditions this just seems like an attempt to calm their fans lol

[-] Megaman_EXE@beehaw.org 23 points 11 months ago

Thanks for posting!

[-] Megaman_EXE@beehaw.org 16 points 11 months ago

I heard from a friend that this game wants your screen to be on all night? Is that true?

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