[-] MaxPower@feddit.de 106 points 5 months ago

Well he told advertisers to fuck off so they did.

To me as an average Joe it seems pretty dumb to tell your advertisers to fuck off when they provide a big chunk of your income but hey, I'm not a stable genius billionaire so I just don't get Elon's 5D chess moves. Right?


Herbert F. (84) has been in a Taliban dungeon in Kabul for six months: the right-wing extremist blogger from Vienna had traveled to the Islamist country in the Hindu Kush despite warnings. He had wanted to show that, contrary to the opinion of experts, Afghanistan was a safe country of origin and that refugees could be deported there without hesitation - and proved the exact opposite.

[-] MaxPower@feddit.de 161 points 9 months ago

Oh ffs, stop warning him, he already knows and still does not comply. He does not care. Just throw the hammer at him, this he will understand.

[-] MaxPower@feddit.de 103 points 9 months ago

A lying neo-nazi, color me shocked /s

[-] MaxPower@feddit.de 75 points 9 months ago

Sometime in the past I must have accidentally switched into the stupid dimension, how else can this amount of idiots in politics be explained

[-] MaxPower@feddit.de 59 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

OMG OK that's it. Tesla cars are now out of the question for me and if I ever get the chance to ride on a SpaceX ship (not very likely) I think I'd decline. Totally different companies ofc but the same master "mind" behind.

This guy represents everything that you do not want to see in a CEO.


Prozesstag: AfD-Mitglied überfährt Demonstranten (tatorthenstedtulzburg.noblogs.org)
submitted 10 months ago by MaxPower@feddit.de to c/afd@feddit.de

Henstedt-Ulzburg (dpa) - Am Rande einer Auseinandersetzung zwischen "Demonstranten der rechten und linken Szene" ist laut Polizei durch einen Verkehrsunfall ein Mensch aus der linken Szene schwer verletzt worden. Die Person musste nach dem Vorfall in Henstedt-Ulzburg knapp 30 Kilometer nördlich von Hamburg ins Krankenhaus gebracht werden.

"In der Folge kam es zu Aggressionsdelikten gegenüber Beteiligten und Polizeibeamten, die die Abgabe eines polizeilichen Warnschusses erforderte", heißt es in einer Polizeimeldung von Samstagabend. Zuvor sei gegen 18.30 Uhr eine Veranstaltung der AfD beendet worden. Gegen diese hatten laut Polizei - neben einer angemeldeten Demonstration - rund 50 bis 60 Menschen aus der linken Szene spontan demonstriert.

Quelle: sz

Inzwischen ist der 10. Prozesstag zuende gegangen.

Anlass für die Demonstration 2020 war eine AfD-Veranstaltung in Henstedt-Ulzburg, die in der Gemeinde nicht erwünscht war.

Am 16. September 2023 findet in Henstedt-Ulzburg die nächste AfD-Veranstaltung statt.

submitted 10 months ago by MaxPower@feddit.de to c/afd@feddit.de
[-] MaxPower@feddit.de 61 points 10 months ago

These elite CEOs probably work 100-plus hours a week and they're much more work-focused.

Oh ffs. I have nothing against Nick Bloom but this statement is so BS. Even if "elite CEOs" could work 24 hours per day, 7 days per week their salaries could not be justified by any means. There are just not enough hours in a day to actually do it.

The mandates symbolize the sharp disconnect right now between the way CEOs and employees think about work.

He's right about that though.

submitted 10 months ago by MaxPower@feddit.de to c/afd@feddit.de
Podcast: Kampf gegen Desinformation (www.deutschlandfunk.de)
submitted 10 months ago by MaxPower@feddit.de to c/afd@feddit.de
[-] MaxPower@feddit.de 143 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Photos flagged by the AI are then sent to a person for review.

If an offense was correctly identified, the driver is then sent either a notice of warning or intended prosecution, depending on the severity of the offense.

The AI just "identifying" offenses is the easy part. It would be interesting to know whether the AI indeed correctly identified 300 offenses or if the person reviewing the AI's images acted on 300 offenses. That's potentially a huge difference and would have been the relevant part of the news.

[-] MaxPower@feddit.de 138 points 10 months ago

Years after, what else is there to say? The citizens were duped and they voted for this.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by MaxPower@feddit.de to c/music@beehaw.org

She's one of the few Jazz musicians I like. Think of Dave Brubeck or Oscar Peterson from the 1960's but japanese, female, and modern.

submitted 10 months ago by MaxPower@feddit.de to c/afd@feddit.de

AfD-Mann Florian Jäger könnte man, sobald das Urteil rechtskräftig wird, offiziell als verurteilten Volksverhetzer bezeichnen.

submitted 10 months ago by MaxPower@feddit.de to c/music@beehaw.org

This is a criminally underrated prog band from Germany. 728 subscribers on Youtube, WTF guys!

[-] MaxPower@feddit.de 129 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

The lesson I'm learning is that we should have worn masks during "flu season" all along. In crowded and poorly ventilated spaces at least. It's a cheap and easy measure and I don't know what the BFD is with masks.

[-] MaxPower@feddit.de 128 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Free speech is good and must be protected, that's clear. But it should not be virtually limitless. The US played a major role sorting out the negative consequences of the Weimar republic, which did not contain fascist ideology, which then (edit: among other things ofc) lead to WW2.

It still baffles my mind how the US cannot see that tolerating the intolerant must inevitably lead to an intolerant and possibly facist society.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by MaxPower@feddit.de to c/music@beehaw.org

Instrumental prog metal from Guangzhou, China. Pretty awesome if you ask me.

submitted 10 months ago by MaxPower@feddit.de to c/afd@feddit.de
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by MaxPower@feddit.de to c/afd@feddit.de
[-] MaxPower@feddit.de 60 points 11 months ago

Der CSU-Politiker betont: Das Zitat sei nicht zur Veröffentlichung gedacht gewesen.

LOL! Offen menschenfeindlich ist er also "nur" hinter verschlossener Tür, aha. Ist auch eine Aussage.

[-] MaxPower@feddit.de 65 points 11 months ago

Ich bin Autorin und Stand-up-Comedian. ... Mehrere gelungene, aber ergebnislose Vorstellungsgespräche später (eines davon führte ich auf Hawaii am Tag der Hochzeit meines besten Freundes) war ich immer noch arbeitslos. (Nebenbei bemerkt: Diese wunderschöne Reise nach Hawaii brachte mich in eine Schulden-Stress-Spirale, wie ich sie noch nie erlebt hatte.)

  1. Sucht einen Job
  2. Macht eine Reise zur Hochzeit des besten Freundes auf Hawaii
  3. Gerät wegen der Reise in eine Schulden-Stress-Spirale

Diese Frau ist tatsächlich Comedian!

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