[-] MarauderIIC@dormi.zone 7 points 1 week ago

But then you can't carry incendiary impact grenades! :)

[-] MarauderIIC@dormi.zone 7 points 3 weeks ago

To be honest I was expecting fewer more reliable fixes. 100+ is a little concerning with the way some of the smaller patches came out (gun sights, airburst, patrols, fire 'workaround' making flame hulks instakill players, ...). Here's hoping all the fixes work as intended.

[-] MarauderIIC@dormi.zone 4 points 1 month ago

I threw a 500k against a fabricator and ran away.

A rocket devastator fired a rocket past me, which blew me backwards through the air and I splatted back-first against the side of the fab. Alive, my body slid down the side of the fabricator and hit the ground. Then the 500k impacted. Lol

[-] MarauderIIC@dormi.zone 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Yeah, once all the bases are dead, enemies spawn from the direction of the closest map edge, heading towards a player.

Enemies can't spawn within ~~65m~~ 75m of a player, which is a "safe zone". Players that split up can each have a patrol spawn on them.

If the closest map edge is less than ~~65m~~ 75m away, enemies can't spawn targeting that player at all.

If it is more than ~~65m~~ 75m away, then enemies will spawn from the direction of the closest map edge. The way to prevent this is to have one player stand at the end of another player's safe zone, linking the safe zones together, until someone's safe zone overlaps the map edge.

If you don't overlap the zones then someone could wind up with a patrol spawning in the gap between safe zones. I think. I haven't had to chain zones really. In practice, most often someone just has to stand at extract and then someone else has to move towards the map edge.

This is usually easier to do before calling extract.

https://youtu.be/xXr-72xMtSY?si=x0NpjTUWGswqgIWJ approx 2:45 for a diagram

[-] MarauderIIC@dormi.zone 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

But if you're within ~~65~~ 75 meters of the map edge after destroying all the bases, then your safe bubble will stop all the spawns.

You can chain these together to stop spawns at an extract that is further than ~~65m~~ 75m from the edge.

[-] MarauderIIC@dormi.zone 5 points 1 month ago

Also almost every video game community that has official eyes on it

[-] MarauderIIC@dormi.zone 5 points 1 month ago

I heard someone recently say it's a good anti-medium unit weapon? So like the railgun maybe? I dunno

[-] MarauderIIC@dormi.zone 5 points 2 months ago

Mines. I think they'll be handy if grunts/helldivers can't trigger them.

Rockets are cooler though.

[-] MarauderIIC@dormi.zone 4 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I have a 12-thumb-button MMO mouse. My strategem keys are 8,10,11,12 for up, left, down, right respectively. Works great.

Razer Naga

[-] MarauderIIC@dormi.zone 5 points 2 months ago

Wow those patch notes comments are a cesspool

Of note from the patch notes, "Superior Packing Methodology ship module does not work properly."

[-] MarauderIIC@dormi.zone 7 points 5 months ago

I'm trying to build a flossing habit, myself

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