[-] LucyLastic@beehaw.org 11 points 9 months ago

1: An open world exploration game that doesn't have combat ... like Breath of the Wild but without all the fighting and with lots of short stories and puzzles.

Basically I want to be able to go wandering off and uncover ancient ruins etc without having to fight for my life.

2: Snowrunner, but with a good narrative story mode and gearboxes that actually work.

There's so much potential to have engaging stories in that game, which could be tied into improved game structure (namely restricting truck / tire choice to make some tasks challenging in an interesting way).

[-] LucyLastic@beehaw.org 9 points 9 months ago

I live in a remote place and a few times a year have to live without stuff, so my list after water, food and shelter (assuming those are the minimum version of what the word means) would be: A sanitary toilet A means of washing oneself A reliable way of cooking food A reliable way of providing light at night Access to xkcd.com

[-] LucyLastic@beehaw.org 11 points 10 months ago

Agreed on all counts ... that said, his first "I'm not going to resign" speach got resounding applause, so I'm sure he had a lot of behind-the-scenes support to stay as long as he did.

Hopefully whoever gets his job will be both better and able to cut out more of the rot.

(I live in Spain, I've been royally pissed off at how the players have been treated)

[-] LucyLastic@beehaw.org 10 points 10 months ago

Hi, just wanted to say I think you're really cool and keep up the good work :-)

[-] LucyLastic@beehaw.org 8 points 10 months ago

What we move to could still have an app ... I'm using Liftoff and Connect, they both do ok, and I'm guessing adapting to another app (or good mobile web frontend) wouldn't be as painful as you think!

[-] LucyLastic@beehaw.org 8 points 10 months ago

It's funny how you describe team sports for kids, when I was young it was always used as a system to punish the weak.

Anywho, my favourite hobbies that keep me fit have all been based on not being in a team. Mountain biking was always the best, but now my knees disagree so I'm doing 3D / field archery ... I've managed to make a new friend through that, so even though I'm crap I still enjoy going :-)

[-] LucyLastic@beehaw.org 8 points 11 months ago

Just what we need, libertarian ogres ...

[-] LucyLastic@beehaw.org 12 points 11 months ago

Has anything that starts with an X been poisoned now? If I were xstore's marketing department I'd feel a little on edge right now.

In other news this headline made me feel old, it took ,e a while to understand what it was trying to say

[-] LucyLastic@beehaw.org 11 points 11 months ago

Skating used to be whole life, my right leg has been held together by a metal rod for the last 7 years now.

Like you, it was caused by an avoidable miskate that was my own fault. I can still get on skates (though that took about 3 years) and I'm limited to doing that for about half an hour and can't move fluidly.

For me the solution wasn't to do everything I could to continue doing the thing I loved, but rather to let it go. These days I ride (small, quiet) motorbikes, walk my dogs, and have recently taken up archery.

Had I not broken my leg there's a diversity of experiences I'd have missed out on, because I was enraptured with The Thing. There's more to the world than one single hobby!

If you have close friends and family, do try and talk through how you're feeling with them, and think about seeing a therapist - these sorts of limitations are hard to adapt to for everyone!

I wish you good luck in whatever sort of adventures you have next :-)

[-] LucyLastic@beehaw.org 11 points 11 months ago

I still use my HTC Android 1.2 phone for Google maps sometimes, some people will be out there still using them ... I'm guessing it's an old enough version that the still active devices are serviceable and well built.

[-] LucyLastic@beehaw.org 8 points 11 months ago

Either that or they were fishing for dick pics

[-] LucyLastic@beehaw.org 8 points 1 year ago

I live in a small village in the mountains, most of my neighbours are tradies or cobtractors. Their weapon of choice (along with the farmers here) is the Citroen Berlingo.

It can tow a lot, long stuff can use the cargo hatch at the back of the roof, and it can do pretty serious off-roading. They're also good family cars.

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