[-] LostWanderer@lemmynsfw.com 4 points 1 day ago

Sony will one day learn to not shoot themselves in the foot while running...PSN is terrible and vulnerable to hacking! Given that it isn't available everywhere, its a non-starter for me.

[-] LostWanderer@lemmynsfw.com 6 points 3 days ago

Reading the live updates warmed the cockles of my heart! The fact this jury did its job based on all the evidence is great. That orange troll deserved this, I hope the sentencing is something that will humiliate Trump to the max; I feel so happy that this shit burglar is getting this verdict.

[-] LostWanderer@lemmynsfw.com 21 points 2 weeks ago

Yas! This warms the cockles of my heart, nothing like a well deserved roast at an awards show!

[-] LostWanderer@lemmynsfw.com 19 points 2 weeks ago

An apt take away from looking at the whole healthcare system in America! It’s profits driven instead of care driven! I would hate to get seriously ill as it stands. There were several bills that the hospital forgave in the past in my case because it would actually put me in a far worse situation: Financially, medically, and mentally! Today, I’m not certain that kindness would be extended to me again.

[-] LostWanderer@lemmynsfw.com 74 points 3 weeks ago

That's pure greed at this point...Jimmy John's is still well in an affordable range. As a rule, I tend to avoid buying food from places with surge pricing as fast food is supposed to be affordable! It's not fine dining and as a result should be priced appropriately; they've forgotten their role in the food space and thus their business will live or die based on future choices.

[-] LostWanderer@lemmynsfw.com 41 points 3 weeks ago

If only Americans protested like the French, we’d be in such a better place. Politicians would actually work for us, I hope they win continued access to gender affirming care!

[-] LostWanderer@lemmynsfw.com 155 points 4 weeks ago

I’m at a loss for words. How did this man not get shouted down for saying that out loud and in public?! Those are the thoughts of a predator, which is a position of power.

[-] LostWanderer@lemmynsfw.com 17 points 1 month ago

Ah, the executive class in need of some strong policing in terms of sign on bonuses and salaries! Nobody should be making that insane amount of cash, especially wantonly participating in unnecessary layoffs like Unity did.

[-] LostWanderer@lemmynsfw.com 22 points 1 month ago

ROFL I wasn't even surprised, honestly was keeping up with the news to see when the big story about the fraud that this firm engaged in. Almost everything that man has something to do with this sketchy as fuck!

[-] LostWanderer@lemmynsfw.com 19 points 1 month ago

Microsoft's own incompetence has made Windows 11 a failure. The system requirements really made it a flop (possibly an intentional part of their plan to boost hardware sales but create a ton of e-waste as a result). I'm running Windows 11 as my PC meets the specs, it's not a bad OS persay as it works for my day to day needs. However, if I didn't game on PC I would probably switch completely to Linux. I stay on Windows as it is for the time being convenient to do so. If the next version of Windows has a dire increase in regards to specifications...I would likely go back to Ubuntu!

[-] LostWanderer@lemmynsfw.com 60 points 1 month ago

ROFL It’s tragic that Amazon is in the insurance game…That’s when you know it’s a true dystopian present getting started in full gear.

[-] LostWanderer@lemmynsfw.com 39 points 1 month ago

ROFL This is madness! I’d love to know who is behind this push to gaslight people into believing that having a great work/life balance is something to be frowned upon!

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