[-] Longpork3@lemmy.nz 2 points 17 hours ago

You can buy similar commercial chassis for about one fifth of that. Control systems depending on whether they are intended for autonomous operation or remote control would be maybe 5-20k on top of that. I have no idea what the mounted weaponry in worth.

The real question is whether they are paying inflated military prices as is typical with US equipment, or building them in house at cost.

[-] Longpork3@lemmy.nz 2 points 1 day ago

I am totally on board with individual vehicles as a last-mile solution, and self driving vehicles are a great option for that, but expecting them to provide the entire trip puts us right back in the situation we find ourselves now with human driven cars.

Unless we are going to shrink these vehicles down to the size of a bicycle, mass transit for the bulk of the route will always win out in terms of efficiency.

[-] Longpork3@lemmy.nz 9 points 1 day ago

That is called public transport, my friend. You can sleep all you like on a bus or train.

[-] Longpork3@lemmy.nz 5 points 1 day ago

smartmontools has some good functionality for interfacing with SMART via usb bridges that do not provide native functionality.

[-] Longpork3@lemmy.nz 16 points 1 day ago


There is no scientific consensus supporting this being a burial site at present.

Lets wait until the analysis and peer review before making any bold claims.

[-] Longpork3@lemmy.nz 1 points 4 days ago

Because it reduces reaction time? If you set the cruise control and cover the brake with your foot then you have a faster braking response than if you have to switch pedals first.

[-] Longpork3@lemmy.nz 7 points 6 days ago

Do think think you could fight a ninja? We made some bad deals with the yakuza and we're kind of desperate for someone who can.

[-] Longpork3@lemmy.nz 16 points 1 week ago

If I was capable of getting pregnant, ensuring that I couldnt be forced into a lifelong parenthood based on a single mistake that i may not even consent to would be a much scarier thought than more people speaking a different language.

[-] Longpork3@lemmy.nz 17 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)
[-] Longpork3@lemmy.nz 23 points 1 month ago

It is a very popular Single Board Computer, with a lot of community support that allows people to build and program a variety of things for a low price. Think of it like lego, but for things which can be useful as well as fun.

Want to run a weather station? Pi and a couple of off the shelf sensors, done.

Want to control your lights or appliances from your phone without getting out of bed? Pi and a couple of off the shelf relays, done.

Want to build a retro gaming console? Pi, a couple of off the shelf controllers and some pre-made emulators, done.

[-] Longpork3@lemmy.nz 38 points 2 months ago

Name your playlist. 'X Gon give it to ya' is definitely on there somewhere.

[-] Longpork3@lemmy.nz 15 points 2 months ago

But only the armor. Bullet passes through helmet, stops when it hits skull.

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