[-] LogicalDrivel@sopuli.xyz 8 points 1 day ago

Your comment implies that your GIGANTIC PENIS makes a GIGANTIC NOISE, and that has me intrigued.

[-] LogicalDrivel@sopuli.xyz 10 points 5 days ago

I can do it without closing my eyes but when i was younger, I remember closing my eyes or scrunching my face made it easier to do. If you can wiggle your ears without lifting your eyebrows, it kind of feels like its the same muscle group that causes the rumbles. The rumbling sounds like white noise inside my head. Its caused by constricting Tensor Tympani muscle in the ear voluntarily. From Wikipedia:

Some individuals can voluntarily produce this rumbling sound by contracting the muscle. According to the National Institute of Health, "voluntary control of the tensor tympani muscle is an extremely rare event",[5] where "rare" seems to refer more to the scarcity of test subjects and/or studies more than the percentage of the general population who have voluntary control. The rumbling sound can also be heard when the neck or jaw muscles are highly tensed as when yawning deeply. This phenomenon has been known since (at least) 1884.[6]

[-] LogicalDrivel@sopuli.xyz 30 points 5 days ago

I can rumble my eardrums. Mostly useless unless i wanna block out some annoying sound but i can only do it for like a minute at a time.

[-] LogicalDrivel@sopuli.xyz 13 points 5 days ago

The trick is to wake up standing, as well.

[-] LogicalDrivel@sopuli.xyz 4 points 6 days ago

The Woven Web

Damn what a song! Thanks for the new group to binge on!


I recently set up a LLM to run locally on my desktop. Now that the novelty of setting it up and playing with different settings has worn off, I'm struggling to come up with actual uses for it. What do you use it for when not doing work stuff?

[-] LogicalDrivel@sopuli.xyz 106 points 4 months ago

Oh yeah totally free, just go ahead and put in all your info... Oh, looks like your at the last step and have spent a bunch of your time filling everything out. Oh darn! Look at that, you need to do something very basic that 99% of people need to do? Yeah that will be 75 bucks please.

TurboTax is nothing more than a "Legal" scam that pulls a bait and switch to steal money from people.

Why do I do this? (sopuli.xyz)
[-] LogicalDrivel@sopuli.xyz 95 points 6 months ago

I used to have so much fun back when cell phones had IR blasters. Changing channels and messing with people before it was common knowledge that you could do that on a cell. I wish phones still had that.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by LogicalDrivel@sopuli.xyz to c/risa@startrek.website

Mod removed my first post because "AI 'art' is for Borgs". So here is a real life version!

[-] LogicalDrivel@sopuli.xyz 122 points 7 months ago

"...and their principal, Asfendis, has vowed to raise awareness on campus of how to use new technologies responsibly."

Surely all the teenage boys will understand, and only use the technology for wholesome purposes.

Happpy HHalllloween! (files.catbox.moe)

Happy Halloween everyone! Had some fun with a random Mad-lib style prompt and inserting "holding a sign saying Happy Halloween". The Text, of course isn't the greatest but, not that bad actually. The AI really likes jackolanterns with the Halloween keyword. Every image had tons of jackolanterns even though I didn't tell it to. The Prompt was "Adj Adj Random-Monster, holding a sign that says happy Halloween. By Random-Artist and Random-Artist." Here are a few more of the better ones:

1 2 3

[-] LogicalDrivel@sopuli.xyz 101 points 7 months ago

Ive been in this situation before and it SUCKS! I was delivering pizza ages ago and was on my way to a delivery when a cop pulled me over. I wasn't doing anything wrong so I was kind of confused, but pulled into a parking lot and parked. The cops got out and immediately pulled their guns on me and took cover behind their cruiser. Within seconds, there were 4 more cop cars pulled up and surrounding my car. I had 5 cop cars surrounding my car and at least 7 cops all with their guns aimed at me and screaming at me to get out of the car. I was freaking out! Ive dealt with anxiety issues my whole life and this caused me to have a huge panic attack, which pissed the cops off more, because it took me a minute to comply. It wasn't till I was face down on the asphalt (in the rain btw), till one of the cops said something like "hes just a pizza dude, this isn't him", and all the cops got back in their cars a sped off. It took me a good 15mins before i was able to catch my breath and calm down from my panic attack, and hours after that before i could stop shaking. To this day, anytime a cop gets behind me, I start having anxiety attacks and have to consciously try to calm myself down.

A story in two parts (files.catbox.moe)


Psychedelic Bigfoot (files.catbox.moe)
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by LogicalDrivel@sopuli.xyz to c/imageai@sh.itjust.works

I was generating a bunch of random monster and scifi related stuff using only wildcards, and got this image. I felt it needed to be shared.

Prompt and model usedA fearsome semi-abstract Psychedelic bigfoot. by gregg booth,david s. goyer, cyberspace, science fiction science fantasy, Dazzling, Realistic, high detail, photo-realistic, best quality, Highres, Natural lighting, early morning, shadow play, HD, Absurdres, 8k UHD, best quality, sharp focus Negative prompt: dull colors, monochrome, blurry, out of focus, grainy, bad quality, bad anatomy, pubic hair, disembodied limbs, merged body parts, bad teeth, too many fingers, body-hair, tattoos, dull eyes, mirrored images, makeup, fake,, watermarks, grainy, artifacting, Steps: 50, Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 1441120469, Size: 1024x768, Model hash: 886c73d806, Model: perfectdeliberate_v40, Token merging ratio: 0.2, NGMS: 0.7, Version: 1.6.0

[-] LogicalDrivel@sopuli.xyz 150 points 8 months ago

I wanted to learn more so i went looking for an article. Heres a pretty good write up. https://www.sciencealert.com/flowers-are-spreading-in-antarctica-as-summer-temperatures-soar

TLDR: Lots of flowering plants, moss and algae spreading. In March, temperatures near the south pole reached 39 °C above normal for three days in a row, hitting a peak of -10 °C (14 °F). Warm enough for researchers to walk around in shorts and shirtless....In Antarctica. Yeah were fucked.

Goblin Trader (i.imgur.com)

Trying out a Goblin LORA with this one. was going for more of a spread of weapons for sale with this Goblin arms dealer, but love his expression. Heres a couple more I liked.



Model and Prompt usedwidth: 600

height: 800

model: dreamshaper_7

count: 4

guidance: 7.0

steps: 30

sampler: dpmpp_2m_karras

seed: 615447110

upscale: 1

lora1_strength: 0.7

lora2_strength: 0.7

prompt: a (devious scheming greedy tricky pockmarked very-short goblin) (at a weathered black market stall) (selling his wares of wicked rusted swords and daggers)+ In a dimly-lit alley of the goblin city, Isometric view, gritty texture, shadows and highlights, urban environment, atmospheric setting, candid capture, candid moment, moody atmosphere, detailed composition, D&D, dramatic lighting, rugged weaponry, tarnished armor, ambient illumination

negative_prompt: ugly, tiling, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn feet, poorly drawn face, out of frame, extra limbs, disfigured, deformed, body out of frame, blurry, bad anatomy, blurred, watermark, grainy, signature, cut off, draft, censored, anime, cartoon, fake, plastic skin, doll-like, fake hair, plastic, toy-like, not real, drawn look, large ears, filters, animated look, painting, cell shaded, digital art, pixar, cgi, porcelain, statues, monochrome, black and white, grayscale, colorless, greyscale, black and white, black-and-white, without color, not in color, tintless, drab, fat, pregnant, removed, omitted, multi-color eyes, malformed, misshapen, partner out of frame,

lora1: A65D6C01FA4DC26FEDA4B00B3566ECAFCD1E27EDE4C3A44509

Fire Starter (i.imgur.com)

I really like how this came out, I didn't originally want the fire but the AI kept adding it with the Tanuki keyword so I leaned into it. It took a while to get though, it kept trying to make the Tanuki a horse and getting the fairy to ride it without it turning lewd or just ignoring the prompt was a pain. Anyone have any tips on that? anyways, heres a few more i liked.


are a

few more

Model and Promptwidth: 600

height: 800

model: nightmareshaper

count: 4

guidance: 7.0

steps: 40

sampler: ddim

seed: 1015036689

upscale: 1

lora1_strength: 0.7

lora2_strength: 0.7

prompt: a (beautiful powerful pixar-style fairy)+ (Traveling astride an) (armored blazing tanuki) action shot, close up, HD, Sharp Focus, DSLR, high detail, natural lighting, shadow play, High Dynamic Range, Light Falloff, realistic, detailed face, (realistic detailed hair), realistic skin, Artstation, Masterpiece,

negative_prompt: ugly, tiling, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn feet, poorly drawn face, out of frame, extra limbs, disfigured, deformed, body out of frame, blurry, bad anatomy, blurred, watermark, grainy, signature, cut off, draft, censored, anime, cartoon, fake, plastic skin, doll-like, fake hair, plastic, toy-like, not real, drawn look, large ears, filters, animated look, painting, cell shaded, digital art, pixar, cgi, porcelain, statues, monochrome, black and white, grayscale, colorless, greyscale, black and white, black-and-white, without color, not in color, tintless, drab, fat, pregnant, removed, omitted, multi-color eyes, malformed, misshapen, partner out of frame,

[-] LogicalDrivel@sopuli.xyz 112 points 9 months ago

I went to a Korean hot pot place one time and ordered the hottest broth. The waitress, who barely spoke English, asked if I was sure. I said yes and when they brought it out I was sweating buckets but still loved the food. The waitress actually brought out a fan and stuck it next to my table. 10 out of 10, Would sweat again

The Offer (sopuli.xyz)

The Offer

Its not exactly what I was looking for but I really liked it so I thought Id share.

Prompts and Modelwidth: 600

height: 800

model: nightmareshaper

count: 4

guidance: 7.0

steps: 30

sampler: ddim

seed: 1117925415

upscale: 1

lora1_strength: 1.2

lora2_strength: 0.7

prompt: a (beautiful fair angelic elf sorceress) make a gesture and concentrates and (many glowing floating magic symbols encircle her) while (dark brooding storm clouds with lighting and rain) begin to form over a (dark gloomy gothic castle in the distance). fantasy, sorcery, magic, high detail, natural lighting, shadow play, High Dynamic Range, realistic,

negative_prompt: ugly, tiling, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn feet, poorly drawn face, out of frame, extra limbs, disfigured, deformed, body out of frame, blurry, bad anatomy, blurred, watermark, grainy, signature, cut off, draft, large ears, pointy ears, big ears, filters, animated look, painting, cell shaded, digital art, pixar, cgi, monochrome, black and white, grayscale, colorless, greyscale, black and white, black-and-white, without color, not in color, tintless,

lora1: Epic Realism A08670315FC5B150FC00279413840CF0353DB778A436B4A

Departure 2.0 by Yishu 5 (cdna.artstation.com)
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