[-] LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net 90 points 14 hours ago

So all of these answers have some truth to them, but they are also missing a key factor. The heritage foundation exists because they are paid tons of money by billionaires to sit around and come up with ways to strengthen their dominance over society. The left simply doesn’t have many supporters with that level of wealth. While it’s possible to do this on a voluntary basis it’s a lot harder than getting paid to do it.

[-] LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net 5 points 15 hours ago

It’s not just republicans. Voters have been concerned about Biden’s age since 2020 but democratic leaders have been insisting it was fine anyway. The debate was the first time most voters saw Biden speaking at length in a non-scripted manner in a while, and it looked very not fine.

[-] LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net 3 points 15 hours ago

Weird I wonder why that didn’t work when I voted for Hillary.

[-] LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net 6 points 15 hours ago

Yeah you’re right, I probably stayed it over-broadly. I’m more talking about the typical prehistoric human diet but there were exceptions.

[-] LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net 19 points 17 hours ago

It will achieve what its proponents wanted, which is forcible removal of the homeless from wealthy neighborhoods. People with power in society will again be protected from any possible discomfort or guilt about their lifestyle, and any impetus to provide programs to help such people will evaporate.

[-] LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net 5 points 17 hours ago* (last edited 17 hours ago)

Right, that’s what I mean. Agricultural societies were likely better organized and more populous and so better able to defend and expel rivals from their lands. Foragers were forced into increasingly marginal lands over time, and all forager societies today exist on land that is essentially unsuited for agriculture, which is the only reason they have survived to this day.

[-] LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net 5 points 18 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago)

Lots of people called for Trump to step down in 2016 but I think most intelligent people have lost all faith in the Republican Party. For that to be heeded, it would have to be raised by voices within the party, and Trump’s vicious attacks against his critics make that very unlikely.

That said, yeah it should have been at least discussed after his felony conviction I think.

[-] LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net 14 points 21 hours ago

Not powdery mildew. I think some varieties of squash are just variegated like this.

[-] LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net 17 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Since there’s no written record, it’s hard to know for sure but I believe it was because agricultural communities were able to reproduce much faster and live at much higher densities, so they tended to win conflicts and displace societies based on foraging—even though foragers had better quality of life and didn’t normally experience the food shortages people imagine.

That said, modern foraging societies have largely converted to agriculture after being subjugated and not because they were hungry. So there is some evidence to support this hypothesis.

[-] LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net 61 points 1 day ago

No one in the picture or the audience is sexualizing little girls (or boys). Instead, the outrage is caused by harmful expectations of purity that are imposed on girls and women, but not boys. As well as the current moral panic about pedophilia, which again is unhelpful in actuality protecting children.

Want to protect help children from predators? Help them remove the stigma around their bodies and sex, and empower them to speak and be heard when something they don’t like happens. Failing to do so reinforces the feelings of shame that all too often enable predators to get away with what they do.

And maybe also don’t share potentially embarrassing photos without consent but that’s small potatoes compared to the above issues.

[-] LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net 73 points 1 day ago

I know it’s a joke but this is science memes and it plays into a widespread misconception about early humans that we were some kind of blood drenched carnivores. Not true. Humans have always mostly eaten plants supplemented with some meat or other animal foods.

[-] LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net 11 points 1 day ago

Do you know what the word tankie means? Because I don’t think the people you are describing are tankies. Progressives, democratic socialists, maybe some anarchists, or just Palestinian liberation people of all stripes but tankies no. Tankies are not supporting the Democratic Party because they don’t generally believe in democracy. If they were to vote it would be third party or maybe even for Trump in the hopes the west will destroy itself.

Tankies are dangerous so please don’t dilute the meaning of the word that way.


This picture was too cute for me to resist!


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/16316375

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/16316322

In Indonesia, women ranger teams go on patrol to slow deforestation

Cannonball tree (mander.xyz)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net to c/treehuggers@slrpnk.net

cross-posted from: https://mander.xyz/post/13186793

Couroupita guianensis, Penang botanical garden.

Make sure to check out the flowers too! https://mander.xyz/comment/10767031


Picking mulberries by the dumpster—mostly above my head but the ones I could reach were tasty.

The flower petals are feijoa—I recently learned they are edible and delicious. They taste like marshmallows.

Hope y’all are having fun and staying safe out there!


cross-posted from: https://slrpnk.net/post/9575309

Very cool project and glad to see it’s still going strong. Fun fact: I actually helped plant some of the very first trees here when it was just an empty field.


Very cool project and glad to see it’s still going strong. Fun fact: I actually helped plant some of the very first trees here when it was just an empty field.


Anyone else finding these? Small but delicious.

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