[-] LiamMayfair@lemmy.sdf.org 10 points 2 days ago

I think it was a promising treatment for type 2 diabetes.

[-] LiamMayfair@lemmy.sdf.org 5 points 3 days ago

Not all heroes wear capes. I hope this one put on some bandages after though!

[-] LiamMayfair@lemmy.sdf.org 76 points 3 weeks ago

Voyager. I tried a few others but Voyager has a very slick UI and all the features I want.

[-] LiamMayfair@lemmy.sdf.org 66 points 3 months ago

The guy who started Bluesky was the same Twitter co-founder who push for Twitter to sell out. Thanks but no thanks. I'll stick with Mastodon. It's getting real comfy in there now.

[-] LiamMayfair@lemmy.sdf.org 19 points 4 months ago

Nice try, Russian troll

[-] LiamMayfair@lemmy.sdf.org 25 points 5 months ago

Still, the use of cookies as key elements used to persist client session identifiers in the browser is too widespread and relied upon by prevalent web powerhouses like PHP for Google to do away with them.

Moreover, as much as there may be more modern, sleek alternatives like browser session and application storage, you can't realistically expect the entire web industry to completely migrate away from cookies just like that.

[-] LiamMayfair@lemmy.sdf.org 20 points 5 months ago

Glad to see stability and QoS being prioritised over throughput this time around. I feel like once WiFi broke through the 300 Mbps barrier with the 5GHz band, strictly focusing on further improvements in throughput would just yield diminishing returns for most people.

However, latency and signal strength have been notoriously annoying long-term problems that I'm happy to see finally being acknowledged.

[-] LiamMayfair@lemmy.sdf.org 79 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I welcome this change. It makes it clear to the user in realistic terms how they want to engage with the site.

  • Pay up with your money
  • Pay up with your data
  • Don't use Facebook

I despise Meta and all their products but they are entitled to charge people for them. Shit ain't free to run, you know.

I'd much sooner they showed this banner and force people to make a decision than what they've been doing up until now, which is to "assume" everyone's fine with their personal data being harvested and exploited without their knowledge or consent.

[-] LiamMayfair@lemmy.sdf.org 159 points 9 months ago

It is so ironic that SEO has become the very problem it was invented to fix: all these jokers gaming the system have all but plunged us all back into prehistoric internet times, before search engines appeared and people had to remember which specific sites to go to find information online.

[-] LiamMayfair@lemmy.sdf.org 29 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I am truly sorry to hear this. As a longtime Vim user, I cannot thank Bram enough for his massive contribution to software development and for his kindness. His legacy will live on, not only in Vim, but in all the communities he selflessly supported for so many years.

[-] LiamMayfair@lemmy.sdf.org 20 points 10 months ago

Thanks ChatGPT!

submitted 10 months ago by LiamMayfair@lemmy.sdf.org to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

With evidence mounting on the failure to limit global warming to 1.5C, do you think global carbon emissions will be low enough by 2050 to at least avoid the most catastrophic climate change doomsday scenarios forecast by the turn of the century?

I am somewhat hopeful most developed countries will get there but I wonder if developing countries will have the ability and inclination to buy into it as well.

[-] LiamMayfair@lemmy.sdf.org 75 points 10 months ago

Strawman aside, anyone who thinks national socialism has anything to do with socialism needs to seriously educate themselves on Nazi ideology. Socialism to Hitler was nothing more than a buzzword he used to boost approval rates and votes quickly

As soon as they came into power, the Nazis did a complete 180° and swept every single promise they had made under the rug, kicking out or straight up murdering anyone, even in their own party (e.g. Sturmabteilung), who may have genuinely believed the party's socialist façade.

Their socialist agenda was not the only falsehood the Nazis pushed though (surprising, I know!). The only three things the Nazis actually believed in were:

  • Hitler
  • Jews/Poles/anyone Hitler didn't like = kill
  • Germany is entitled to take what they want from anyone because Lebensraum
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