[-] Ledivin@lemmy.world 5 points 47 minutes ago

Our voting system is undemocratic. Until that isn't the case, I will keep trying to push people away from wasting their votes.

[-] Ledivin@lemmy.world 10 points 2 days ago

Fuckcars unless they're bringing me those sweet, corporate goodies 🥰🥰

[-] Ledivin@lemmy.world 54 points 4 days ago

the first-ever flame-throwing quadruped robot dog

A very competitive category, as we all know

[-] Ledivin@lemmy.world 2 points 5 days ago

Not a chance... he's never included that much information in so few words.

[-] Ledivin@lemmy.world 36 points 5 days ago

Why is mixing a thing suddenly?

Definitely not new, people have been doing this since at least the 90s, when I was a kid.

I also know plenty of Japanese people who say dipping the rice lightly into soy sauce is the correct method, so take literally any "sushi etiquette" guide with a grain of salt.

Eat your food in whatever way brings you joy. Anyone that says otherwise is a pointlessly-gatekeeping idiot.

[-] Ledivin@lemmy.world 96 points 3 weeks ago

Bots and cheaters have completely overtaken it and the small community that still plays has finally had enough

[-] Ledivin@lemmy.world 229 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

It’s interesting to see Torvalds emerge as a kind of based tech hero.

It's just that almost everyone else that could do it ended up being fucking ghouls of people.

Torvalds can be... brusque, sure. But he doesn't support child labor, he doesn't cheat on his wife, and he isn't some crazy cult leader waging a war against workers' rights.

[-] Ledivin@lemmy.world 91 points 1 month ago

They'd be stupid to delete progress... that just sounds like it's a way to guarantee that nobody returns instead of trying to lure them back.

...but then again, I suppose we've learned that business decisions aren't their strong suit 🤷‍♂️

[-] Ledivin@lemmy.world 303 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Sony really managed to erase one of their best-selling games in less than 3 days, for literally no potential gain at all. All risk, no reward: what a fuckin' business strategy

[-] Ledivin@lemmy.world 105 points 1 month ago

Cats ARE stinky, though... the litter box is in your house

[-] Ledivin@lemmy.world 90 points 6 months ago

That's a good way for their emails to all get marked as scams. They think they're being slick, but are actually destroying their marketing campaign.

[-] Ledivin@lemmy.world 96 points 8 months ago

You tried to say that it wasn't DoorDash's fault for paying like shit, but then went on to qualify every other reason with "low paying order" - none of that would matter if DoorDash didn't pay like shit.

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