[-] LaserTurboShark69@sh.itjust.works 1 points 26 minutes ago

Demon of Hatred is a fun and fair boss

[-] LaserTurboShark69@sh.itjust.works 2 points 38 minutes ago

Darn so it could be a good game if it wasn't such a bad game

He was definitely feigning sadness to make Sekiro lower his guard

I'm still rocking my Pixel 2 and am perfectly happy with it

Shit got real when Mr Resetti pretended to erase your save file

Oh yeah absolutely taking the opportunity to score some points with the cons

I wonder if Kinew and other prov leaders are avoiding committing to the feredal carbon tax since it may very well be thrown out next year

I kinda wished they expanded on the multiple giant snake deities a little more

Big orange energy (sh.itjust.works)

I'm glad I can still play RuneScape vicariously through these weird challenge characters

Ohhh man finally another controller with back grip buttons. I may have to pick one of these up

Apparently there's a sequel in the works

What is this from?? That's cheeky as fuck

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