Nothing (UK), Withings (French) and Polar (Finnish) are some great brands to check out
Maar een tegenstander van een ban stelt: „Boycot liever alle nutteloze rommel die uit China komt.”
(Someone against a ban says: "Boycott all the useless stuff from China")
Why not both?
Steam is still basically the only option AND they are actually helping Linux a lot with game compatibility. Altough, if I need games specifically on steam I'll be buying the key from Greenmangaming (UK) or GamersGate (Sweden). If anybody has more alternatives feel free to let me know so I can add them to my list.
GOG sadly misses a majority of games atm so I just can't replace steam with it yet.
Ok look I'm all against the BS they're pulling but lets not forget the fact SpaceX has made anything space related significantly cheaper than NASA ever could in the same timeframe. The money lost on these experiments is peanuts compared to what they've saved already AND are needed to progress towards our space-age. I really hope with France putting more money towards competing with SpaceX we'll have an EU alternative that can actually compete on price.
I did find out and do sorta use it now! Still don't agree with the name though
Nothing also has a watch which can be used for health tracking and its quite cheap!
Understandable, most car companies have garbage software (the Yaris I drive now included). Tesla is just leagues ahead at this point and I hope VW is gonna improve a lot looking at their mockups
I really don't mind it, having driven a Tesla for a year it wasn't bad at all.
Uhm yes, hence I'm using it as a replacement to my usual Nikes?
Great list, for second hand you can also add Vinted (they have more than just clothes)
Anecdotal correct. I saw it was releasing there soon but sadly that's already a while after release and I think that does impact the sales on GOG specufically.
I've been wanting to use GOG more ever since Cyberpunk released but just plain can't for 99% of my needs.
I do use it as a launcher (connected with my steam etc) but outside of cyberpunk and the witcher I never spent money on it. All my games on GOG are from amazon prime.
Ohh I've actually been on their website sometime. Good to know they're UK based thanks!