[-] Krono@lemmy.today 4 points 9 hours ago

In an ideal world, Hitchen's Razor would be applied whenever a politician speaks and whenever an advertisement plays.

Unfortunately for us, human psychology makes us all vulnerable.

[-] Krono@lemmy.today 3 points 15 hours ago

Riots in the streets now is preferable to the current path where our great grandchildren all die from heat stroke.

But I agree with your point, the political calculus doesn't make sense. If politicians are afraid of riots in the streets then we need to give them something worse to fear.

Ecoterrorism or extinction seem to be the only options available.

[-] Krono@lemmy.today 28 points 15 hours ago

The problem is that the Trump and Biden camps set the rules at this debate.

The moderators were not allowed to live fact check, nor could they cut the candidate's mic during their allotted time.

This means that the responsibility of countering Trump's lies fell completely on Biden. There are so many lies, it would be a difficult task for any person.

But Biden signed up for this, and he failed spectacularly. None of Trump's bullshit was effectively countered.

[-] Krono@lemmy.today 11 points 2 days ago

I think its only a RBG situation if Biden dies soon.

It's more of a Diane Feinstein situation, where everyone can see the dementia progressing, but everyone around them has a vested interest in keeping the status quo.

[-] Krono@lemmy.today 5 points 2 days ago

As a former call center employee, I have seen so many bright eyed young people get destroyed by the job.

Those who make it a year are all depressed, no exceptions. Many fall into serious drug addiction.

After 5 years, there will be suicides.

If you are considering a call center job, I urge you to do something safer instead, like heroin or free solo climbing.

We desperately need a strong call center employees union.

[-] Krono@lemmy.today 8 points 2 days ago

Literal genocide denial.

May these 269 monsters get the fate they deserve.

[-] Krono@lemmy.today 13 points 2 days ago

Yes change the system first, and lifestyle change will follow.

For example if we do something relatively small like ending beef subsidies here in the US, then ground beef will double or triple in price, and people will naturally consume much less.

This would be much more effective than any campaign trying to convince people to eat less meat.

[-] Krono@lemmy.today 20 points 2 days ago

Everyone here on Lemmy could drastically change their lifestyle and it wouldnt matter.

Chevron et al. will still destroy the planet.

We need systemic change.

[-] Krono@lemmy.today 4 points 2 days ago

This is false, the DNC has fought in court for the right to overrule the results of the primary. It was litigated in Wilding v. DNC Services Corporation.

Court Concedes DNC Had the Right to Rig Primaries Against Sanders

[-] Krono@lemmy.today 2 points 2 days ago

Obvious he had a slight cold.

Also obvious he is sundowning.

If we want to prevent President Trump then the DNC needs to switch horses quickly.

[-] Krono@lemmy.today 38 points 2 days ago

Arredondo was taken into custody at the Uvalde County Jail Thursday afternoon, where family members and parents of several victims of the shooting gathered.

Finally, some good fucking news.

[-] Krono@lemmy.today 11 points 3 days ago

Accurate representation of US veterans.

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