fuck off ccp bot
we should be using Nix and OCI.
oof you sound exactly like some shit faced freshman who thinks he gained arcane knowledge, but in reality you don't know shit nor have experience. Yeah, p sure you were that dude in the back of cybersec class.
Reminds me of the final days of digg when the majority of posts were "sponsored" posts, just as vapid and pointless as this LLM spam.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oItwDXraK1M best quickstart, explains how DHCP and subnets become a thing of the past and how you can basically transfer network hardware between "master" networks without having to touch a host or waste time on routing ports & co. , the main reason ipv6 is so confusing is because the engineers went overkill on the futureproofing after suffering ages of ipv4 being a combination of "temporary" solutions and outdated networking philosophies, it's a case of "never again".
This will fuck your plans but you should look at internal ipv6 routing, it's confusing at first but for situations exactly like this it's a gamechanger.
It's absolutely hilarious, for me as a European the first image that comes to mind when i hear crackpipe is some skeletal looking white dude with half his teeth missing jittering in a bush somewhere.
really shows how internalized racism is for them, and it's sad - rather than try and use Lemmy to break that pattern they just move it over from reddit...
Check if powerline networking is viable for your house, it's a good alternative.
Nope still fundamentally garbage.