[-] Jimmyeatsausage@lemmy.world 2 points 14 hours ago

It's like... she's trying to do an impression of Angelina Jolie... in her mugshot?

[-] Jimmyeatsausage@lemmy.world 5 points 14 hours ago

And they'll still be the most experienced combat troops Putin can field. At least they get lots of practice marching up and down the square.

[-] Jimmyeatsausage@lemmy.world 6 points 14 hours ago

Yeah, this definitely feels like a doctrine and training problem. I can't even imagine a scenario where the US or NATO lost half of any platform like that. Pearl Harbor, maybe? I remember how huge a deal it was when we found out our body armor and APCs sucked in 2001, and that was nothing like losing every missile ship.

[-] Jimmyeatsausage@lemmy.world 13 points 18 hours ago

Next on Faux News...Biden officials caught taking dihydrogen monoxide, a dangerous performance enhancing chemical known to kill thousands of Americans each year simply by inhaling it. Sources tell us they'd have pitchers of this stuff everywhere. They serve it at meeting right out in the open. Some staff members tested were found to have nearly blood contamination levels as high as .45! An aerosolized version of the compound is a key component in chem-trails left by airplanes, and many scientists believe that having so much in the atmosphere is a key driver of severe storms the liberal elite blame on so-called "climate change"

[-] Jimmyeatsausage@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

Absolutely. I've gotten myself spun up about determinism before and eventually decided that I'm going to believe in free will for the time being. Much like theism is for many, the idea of free will is kinda comforting for me and it helps me cope with reality to feel like I (and everyone else) has agency. Plus, if I'm wrong it doesn't really matter and I never could have been right at this point in my life anyway.

[-] Jimmyeatsausage@lemmy.world 12 points 1 day ago

But we never could have designed it any other way (assuming no free will)

[-] Jimmyeatsausage@lemmy.world 5 points 1 day ago

Ok, how about 141 members of the UN general assembly? I know we've only given Russia 27 months to comply since that vote, but I feel that's long enough.


[-] Jimmyeatsausage@lemmy.world 5 points 1 day ago

Not for several decades, no.

[-] Jimmyeatsausage@lemmy.world 7 points 1 day ago

Guess that would be a good reason for the rest of the world to get involved, right? Stopping a country from trying to use military supremacy to impose their will on another nation? Like Russia is doing right now in Ukraine?

[-] Jimmyeatsausage@lemmy.world 36 points 1 day ago

Guns don't protect children. They're the leading cause of death in children.

I have no idea what you're talking about with protecting food...hunting? Not how most people get their food. Most people get food from a grocery store...where they're increasingly likely to get shot.

If the freedom line was in reference to the military, there's hardly a vet alive who's done that... they're all dead from old age. The only wars we've been fighting were for revenge or resources. I say that as a vet.

If you're talking about protecting us from our government...as far as I know, nobody has even won an armed confrontation with the police or feds over freedoms. Guns made Waco worse. Guns made Ruby Ridge worse. I guess the Bundy's protected their "right" to steal from taxpayers by grazing their cattle on public land without paying for it like they should have. That feels like a less important right than "life" to me personally.

[-] Jimmyeatsausage@lemmy.world 12 points 2 days ago

Man, this headline reminds me of those articles that used to scare parents who didn't know current slang.

Is your child talking about 'vaping'? They could mean 'giving hand jobs in a public theater'! More at 7.

[-] Jimmyeatsausage@lemmy.world 84 points 2 days ago

Bullshit. Conservatives don't want people living in tents. I'm tired of all this propaganda. They clearly want anyone who can't afford a house in a prison, not a tent.


Bout damn time


I'm not sure if this is the right place to post or not, but I got a 22 Audi plugin EV a few months ago, and it's coming due for inspection/maintenance. Should I trust a "normal" mechanic with it or pay more to take it to a dealership?

Jants (lemmy.world)

They even make pants outta this stuff!


A sliver of good news and a reminder that talking to your elected officials CAN make a difference, even if they're generally horrible people. Mr. Pillen realized that hungry kids were actual people after talking to some and decided, "Nebraska needs to do better." No shit Governor, but thank you for not digging your heals in this time and being willing to take free money from the feds to feed hingey children.

Seducing Woods (lemmy.world)

I'm just watching the series through the first time, and it occurred to me how funny it would have been if Zoro was with the team that went to Big Cake Island and, no matter what, he was unable to get lost in the woods.

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