[-] Introversion@kbin.social 46 points 1 month ago

A small proxy site was written to do this for you: https://udm14.com/

[-] Introversion@kbin.social 52 points 1 month ago

This fucking country. 🤦‍♂️

[-] Introversion@kbin.social 77 points 2 months ago

Growing up in the 1960s, my father was a chainsmoker. I never noticed. It was the water that little fish me swam in.

He quit when I was, I dunno, maybe 12 or 13. Suddenly, I noticed tobacco smoke when I encountered it, and it was revolting. I deeply resented having to work in an office in the 1980s that allowed smoking. I deeply resented restaurants with “smoking sections” that were just a half-wall separating me and smokers. I hated flying, with the stench from the “smoking section” filling my air.

How did I survive? Resentfully.

[-] Introversion@kbin.social 46 points 4 months ago

Fucking spineless Republicans.

[-] Introversion@kbin.social 51 points 4 months ago

Well, there’s always installing your daughter-in-law into the RNC.

"Personal slush fund": Lara Trump vows "every single penny" at RNC will go to help Trump

[-] Introversion@kbin.social 73 points 5 months ago

Many Americans worry too, Canada.

[-] Introversion@kbin.social 48 points 7 months ago

A better remedy would be for both parties to follow the rules. If Republicans refuse, Democrats shouldn’t be hamstrung by following those same rules.

Sucks to suck, GOP.

[-] Introversion@kbin.social 56 points 7 months ago

Or, hear me out, they’re at the bottom of the chasm now?

[-] Introversion@kbin.social 51 points 7 months ago

The use of stay-or-pay clauses has grown rapidly over the past decade, and it has seemingly exploded since the start of the pandemic, as companies try to retain workers in a tight labor market.

Or they could, you know, treat employees well so they don’t want to leave? Just a thought.

[-] Introversion@kbin.social 52 points 10 months ago

They absolutely, positively, 100% are true. I know this because for several years I’d been patiently not replacing my aging iPhone 7 until I could buy a model with USB-C and consolidate my device cables. Until this year, when its battery was finally dying literally ten minutes after unplugging it, and I bought an iPhone 14.

You’re welcome. 😅

[-] Introversion@kbin.social 92 points 10 months ago

As a liberal, I don’t need to idolize my president. I don’t want to have a beer with them. I don’t buy Democratic President merch.

I do want them to be competent. I do want them to respect the rule of law. I do want them to be truthful though I understand politics means they sometimes aren’t. I want them to govern for the good of all, even conservatives that didn’t vote for them. I want them to respect history and science, rather than spouting bullshit conspiracy theories with zero basis in fact.

By those criteria, Biden has been as good a president as I could hope for.

Trumpers just seem to care that Trump hates the people they hate. They seem to love the bullshit he spouts; the endless lies, the conspiracy theory nonsense, all of it.

I think I understand Trumpers well enough, without reaching out and trying to understand their point of view. If they could coherently form complete sentences that didn’t involve regurgitating Trump lies or rightwing media conspiracy nonsense, I might try — but they can’t and don’t, so it’s a waste of time. Two groups who can’t agree on the difference between up and down might as well be speaking different languages, so, just no.

[-] Introversion@kbin.social 61 points 10 months ago

Sounds like the Sacklers forgot to buy some vacations for SC justices.

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