[-] Infynis@midwest.social 1 points 3 hours ago

I consider physical books to be merch, so I buy them when I already like the story, or want to support the author specifically. Otherwise, when I want to try a new book, I go to the library

[-] Infynis@midwest.social 1 points 3 hours ago

Doesn't it happen in an episode or two? It gets hot, but at a cinematic pace lol

[-] Infynis@midwest.social 2 points 3 hours ago

That's the real reason Quark, Rom, and Nog ended up crashing in the past

[-] Infynis@midwest.social 23 points 5 hours ago

Is it the official French stance to omit the Oxford comma?

[-] Infynis@midwest.social 8 points 1 day ago

If'n that boy wants to play a lil Possum in the Graveyard, I ain't see no harm, am I right fellas? 🤣🤣🤣

[-] Infynis@midwest.social 16 points 1 day ago

I love Mike Truk lmao

[-] Infynis@midwest.social 24 points 1 day ago

Me, in every Teams meeting

[-] Infynis@midwest.social 15 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

There are a lot of places in the US where ideas from the 1800s are still prevalent, because they're so lacking in diversity that there is no one to point out the crimes.

Growing up in rural northern Michigan, I wasn't allowed to take the class our drama teacher taught about making costumes because I was a boy. That same drama department, for a production of West Side Story, got spray tans for all the kids playing Puerto Rican characters. They're still known as one of the best drama programs in the area.

[-] Infynis@midwest.social 3 points 1 day ago

I really hate that the Supreme Court has borrowed the P2W "early access" model from shitty video games

[-] Infynis@midwest.social 24 points 1 day ago

His name has TV in it, so I assume he's just completely dedicated his life to making neo-nazi ragebait

[-] Infynis@midwest.social 6 points 1 day ago

Picard didn't allow children on the bridge, you think he allowed cats?

[-] Infynis@midwest.social 27 points 2 days ago

I'm sure the astronauts that have to do all this extra overtime because boeing thought their space capsule didn't have to be airtight probably feel that way

The Apiarist (midwest.social)

This is a personal creation, so I apologize if the name is already taken.

*1.5oz gin *1oz Amaro Sfumato Rabarbaro *.75oz honey syrup *.5oz lemon juice

Shaken and served with an expressed lemon peel, and a dash of Hummingbird Bitters

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by Infynis@midwest.social to c/tenforward@lemmy.world

They're both also green

Yankee traders? (midwest.social)

More Expanse crossovers? Yes please!


It must be hard to eclipse the Equinox


Unfortunately, you can't get real Orion Dulac in Michigan, so this is my take on what Mariner would have served Those Old Scientists

  • 1.5oz White rum (I used Plantation 3 Star)
  • .75oz Cinnamon syrup
  • .75oz Lime juice
  • .5oz Absinthe (I used what they make at my local distillery, American Fifth)
  • .5oz John D. Taylor Velvet Falernum Liqueur
  • 1 barspoon Blue curaçao (for colour)

Shake, and double strain. Garnish with a cinnamon stick, and slowly pour in two barspoon of grenadine so that it sinks to the bottom. This could also be swapped for butterfly pea flower syrup, which is purple. I just wanted the grenadine flavor


Unfortunately, you can't get real Orion Dulac in Michigan, so this is my take on what Mariner would have served Those Old Scientists

  • 1.5oz White rum (I used Plantation 3 Star)
  • .75oz Cinnamon syrup
  • .75oz Lime juice
  • .5oz Absinthe (I used what they make at my local distillery, American Fifth)
  • .5oz John D. Taylor Velvet Falernum Liqueur
  • 1 barspoon Blue curaçao (for colour)

Shake, and double strain. Garnish with a cinnamon stick, and slowly pour in two barspoon of grenadine so that it sinks to the bottom. This could also be swapped for butterfly pea flower syrup, which is purple. I just wanted the grenadine flavor

submitted 8 months ago by Infynis@midwest.social to c/rpg@ttrpg.network

This is for an upcoming session this Saturday. I've never been the kind of person that's into drawing, but I'm GMing my own PTU campaign, and I hated making maps online lol

I've been practicing for about a week now, and I'm pretty happy with this little map.

The setting is a small cave, complete with giant mushrooms, crystals, and a pond, which served as the improvised "break room," for a couple of miners my players found the skeletons of at the end of the last session.

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joined 1 year ago