[-] Ifera@lemmy.world 6 points 6 days ago

Genetical in the sense that you are programmed to behave like that, not in the sense it has to be yours to prompt said response. Paternity fraud is no joke.

[-] Ifera@lemmy.world 13 points 6 days ago

A huge part of the issue(From what I have seen on my years working insurance) are injuries. A day laborer lives by the day, has little to no savings and has an accident or gets hurt. They know two weeks off + hospital fees will bankrupt them, so they go to work with their bodies already in a bad state, which only furthers their existing injuries, until they either fall into despair, finally seek attention and their lack of support networks makes the situation so dire, the only option they can see is a noose.

Heartbreaking really. That is one of the reasons why I left that job market, I simply could not bear telling more people, the corporate version of "You've ran out of money, good luck with your cancer though".

[-] Ifera@lemmy.world 26 points 1 week ago

Thanks, at least I know that after I rescued her, she never knew what it meant to be abandoned again. Been sleeping in a sleeping bag in the bathroom just to keep her company, now that she can't jump to the bed.

She and my two other cats have been with me and cuddled with me on my darkest days, so it is time to mirror their kindness.

[-] Ifera@lemmy.world 22 points 1 week ago

Her name is Navi because my ex and I are geeks, and ever since she was little and we rescued her, she has always been very vocal, and loves shoulder rides.

Last time she was sick, I thought she wouldn't make it, but here she is. Full recovery except big kidney-little kidney syndrome, and after 5 years of living life at its fullest, she is unwell again. I truly hope she proves me wrong again, and brightens my life for 5 more years, but even if she doesn't, I will forever keep her in my heart and keep doing what brought us together, fostering cats in need, and helping them find a forever home.

She is almost 10, and I love watching her rule the house and my other two cats with an iron fist.

submitted 1 week ago by Ifera@lemmy.world to c/cat@lemmy.world

She is very ill, and might not make it through the night, so I thought a picture of her on a happy day would cheer me up, and perhaps others.

[-] Ifera@lemmy.world 28 points 1 week ago

They were both famous around the same time, had similar followings and Lee was an atheist.

[-] Ifera@lemmy.world 35 points 1 week ago

There is regular, for-profit business, and then there is EA/Microsoft/Amazon level for-profit.

The complete disregard for their employees, massive firings for "AI powered optimization", the use and abuse of dark pattern methods(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_pattern), are some of the things that I haven't yet head of from Steam.

Sure, ultimately Steam is a capitalist business, but it could be much, much worse.

[-] Ifera@lemmy.world 15 points 1 month ago

Worked for me, turned gay. Five stars/zero kids.

[-] Ifera@lemmy.world 139 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

What the devil is up with that picture and the 3 o'clock shadow, blurry skin and disturbingly HD mole? And must I mention her maw?

[-] Ifera@lemmy.world 44 points 3 months ago

I need this, but gay

[-] Ifera@lemmy.world 15 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Men's rights, but not like the piss pitt that the Reddit one has, but one that focuses on real men's issues, like how rampant prison rape is in male prisons, parental alienation, forced military service and such.

And before anyone says that "It is men who mostly commit prison rape", well duh, that is obvious, but prison should be a rehabilitation tool, not a punitive one, and especially not a for-profit business like it currently is.

And add the fact that prisoners should be under the care of the government, and the fact that so much abuse, sexual and otherwise is ignored and not prevented is nothing but appalling.

[-] Ifera@lemmy.world 40 points 5 months ago

Nah, if it was only the stupid doing it to themselves that would be fine, but as someone on the medical field, you have no idea of how many cases I saw of little kids and elderly patients who were fed those pills by their loved ones.

[-] Ifera@lemmy.world 42 points 6 months ago

And if you add how Steve Huffman(Reddit's CEO, AKA u/spez) lied and manipulated information about the API talks, painting the third party developers as greedy, money hungry assholes, then got caught with his pants down when the recorded call was made public, shows how absolutely planned that move was.

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