[-] HessiaNerd@lemmy.world 3 points 3 days ago

Do you want the Unabomber? Cause that's how you get the Unabomber.

[-] HessiaNerd@lemmy.world 32 points 3 weeks ago

No, shilling for Russia will get you labeled as a tankie. Not wanting police to have what is essentially a light tank, will not get you labeled as a tankie. Don't try to dilute the term.

[-] HessiaNerd@lemmy.world 33 points 1 month ago

That's what happens when you do it yourself. You notice the flaws more.

I spent months redoing my bathroom. I moved a wall, re-routed plumbing installed a new tub, and tiled. So much tiling. I ripped some out I was so pissed at how it went in. I still see every spot that I didn't like.

After that experience I went into the bathroom at my work and looked at the tiling in there. The tiles directly in front of the unrinal I've been peeing in for 6+years. They were way worse than some of the stuff I was fussing over, and I never noticed.

Give yourself credit for finishing the fucking job. Learn to not make the same mistakes, and go out and make new mistakes to learn from.

does Brisco County count? (en.m.wikipedia.org)
submitted 3 months ago by HessiaNerd@lemmy.world to c/weirdwest@lemmy.zip

The Wikipedia entry has weird west in it, so I guess so.

Such a good show. Loved Bruce in it.

[-] HessiaNerd@lemmy.world 50 points 3 months ago

When COVID shut down my state (we were considered essential) we got furloughed one day a week. I was getting paid less so I was concerned, but it was honestly the best thing to happen to me. We started a garden, I got so much more done. I was healthier and happier.

Going back to 5 days a week, and longer commute (no more COVID clear freeways), I can absolutely feel my life shortening. I've gained a ton of weight, and increased stress significantly.

[-] HessiaNerd@lemmy.world 45 points 3 months ago

Hyper capitalist emotional exploitation.

Take a normal human emotion, feed it through a system optimized to wring out profit, this is what is left.

[-] HessiaNerd@lemmy.world 41 points 4 months ago

A list of half baked ideas.

[-] HessiaNerd@lemmy.world 28 points 4 months ago


It is required to be the contents. There is very little leeway for error. The FDA can and will shut your whole company down for labeling issues.

submitted 4 months ago by HessiaNerd@lemmy.world to c/bugs@lemmy.world
[-] HessiaNerd@lemmy.world 23 points 5 months ago

Or charge them with reckless endangerment now and tack on manslaughter charges later.

[-] HessiaNerd@lemmy.world 62 points 10 months ago

You have a point, however, there seems to be a difference in severity. It's like how openly and aggressively racist some of these folks have gotten. Sure, they always probably harbored those feelings, but now they are more brazen about it, and the behavior is getting worse as a result.

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