submitted 17 hours ago by HM05_Me@lemmy.world to c/uap@lemmy.world
submitted 1 day ago by HM05_Me@lemmy.world to c/uap@lemmy.world
[-] HM05_Me@lemmy.world 6 points 3 days ago

In the next few months we should hopefully have an update to that page as the 2025 NDAA is passed. There are two UAP hearings in the works with the Senate and House that could help push for more of the UAPDA to pass this year. I'm not hopeful that everything will pass, but each bit that passes will make an impact.

I've been keeping an eye on the National Archives and trying to get a hold of someone there that confirm if any agency has complied with the record transfers outlined in the 2024 NDAA. Agencies just have a month left to comply, but so far nothing has been updated online besides what the archives already had in its possession. Even then, there seems to be documents that they haven't uploaded online or added to their UAP topics page. In the meantime I've been helping tag UAP related records. There are already a lot of interesting historical records online, so I can only imagine what different agencies have in their possessions.

submitted 1 week ago by HM05_Me@lemmy.world to c/uap@lemmy.world
submitted 1 week ago by HM05_Me@lemmy.world to c/uap@lemmy.world
submitted 4 weeks ago by HM05_Me@lemmy.world to c/uap@lemmy.world
submitted 1 month ago by HM05_Me@lemmy.world to c/uap@lemmy.world
submitted 1 month ago by HM05_Me@lemmy.world to c/uap@lemmy.world
submitted 1 month ago by HM05_Me@lemmy.world to c/uap@lemmy.world
submitted 1 month ago by HM05_Me@lemmy.world to c/uap@lemmy.world

Professor Michael Bohlander, Dr Andreas Anton, and Dr John Elliott through Durham University have created a survey regarding contact with extraterrestrial intelligence.

Invitation to participate in the global online survey

Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence

A study of projected perceptions and reactions among the world’s societies

Dear Madam, dear Sir,

We are pleased to invite responses to this survey.

The aim is to find out attitudes from a wide variety of people and cultures across the globe to the questions posed by the idea that humanity might make contact with an extraterrestrial intelligence someday, or may already have made it. We will be asking you for your views on things such as the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), UAP/UFOs (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena/Flying Objects), how you would deal with a contact event, and how humanity should deal with such an event, in the wider sense.

The survey is administered by Professor Michael Bohlander, Chair in Global Law and SETI Policy and Dr Andreas Anton, Research Fellow, both Durham Law School (UK), in cooperation with Dr John Elliott, Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Computer Science at the University of St Andrews.

The survey is available in English, French, German and Spanish, and can be accessed at these links, where you will also find the information about anonymity, data protection etc.

English: Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (jisc.ac.uk)

French: Contact avec une intelligence extraterrestre (jisc.ac.uk)

German: Kontakt mit außerirdischer Intelligenz (jisc.ac.uk)

Spanish: Contacto con la Inteligencia Extraterrestre (jisc.ac.uk)

Thank you for considering taking part in the survey!

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by HM05_Me@lemmy.world to c/uap@lemmy.world

Description from YouTube:

On 17 July 2024, I spoke with former All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) director Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick. Discussion topics are listed below.

While I am grateful for his time, I was taken aback by how little Kirkpatrick knew about the three most recognizable UAP videos in the public domain.

For example, this is the second time that Kirkpatrick told me that the strong, highly anomalous infrared signature in the “Gimbal” video - arguably the most recognizable UAP footage of all time - is likely due to a “glare” reflection from the sun.

“Gimbal” was recorded at night.

Similarly, Kirkpatrick endorsed a deeply flawed NASA analysis of the well-known “GoFast” video in March, stating, “‘GoFast’ was actually explained at the NASA panel. They did a really nice job of pulling that apart.” But after I highlighted the study’s glaring errors to Kirkpatrick, he told me, “I haven't looked at NASA's analysis.”

Moreover, Kirkpatrick made assertions (e.g., that the anomalous “stepped” rotation in “Gimbal” is due to image compression) that even Mick West, the most prominent UAP skeptic, characterized as “nonsense” and “obviously wrong.”

For the former director of the U.S. government’s UAP analysis office to be so misinformed about the most recognizable UAP footage in the world (which led, in no small part, to the creation of his office) is, quite simply, stunning.

This, of course, is yet further evidence that the three Navy UAP videos are indeed truly anomalous, as our repeatable and verifiable analyses demonstrate.

Nor did Dr. Kirkpatrick address, at least to my satisfaction, why the most powerful member of the Senate, Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), reintroduced the UAP Disclosure Act after AARO categorically denied the legislation’s underlying allegations of unreported/illegal UAP “legacy programs” that retrieve and attempt to reverse-engineer craft of “non-human” origin. (The UAPDA, it should be noted, is arguably the most extraordinary legislation in U.S. history.)

In other words, what, despite AARO's vehement denials, compelled the Senate Majority Leader to double down on a requirement that the U.S. government seize recovered UAP and “biological evidence of non-human intelligence” allegedly held by private entities?

In a brief post-discussion email exchange, I attempted to clarify a number of items, most notably why AARO grossly misrepresented the first truly scientific study of UAP.

The study, conducted by Battelle in the early 1950s (as “Project Blue Book Special Report No. 14”), found that 33% of the highest-quality UAP reports with sufficient data to evaluate were “Unknown.”

In Vol. 1 of its Historical Records Review, AARO astoundingly - and falsely - claimed that Battelle’s scientific analysis found that “all cases that had enough data were resolved and readily explainable.”

I have not received a response.

Discussion Topics:

-The Schumer-Rounds UAP Disclosure Act (UAPDA)

-Did AARO successfully “kill” the UAPDA in 2023?

-David Grusch

-The most perplexing UAP footage Dr. Kirkpatrick saw while at AARO

-2015 “Gimbal”/“GoFast” videos (see links below)

-East Coast UAP incidents

-“Metallic orbs”

-2004 “FLIR1”/“Tic Tac” video

-Verifiable, raw data confirms military eyewitness accounts of highly anomalous incidents (“Gimbal,” “GoFast,” and “FLIR1”)

Gimbal Analysis:



submitted 2 months ago by HM05_Me@lemmy.world to c/uap@lemmy.world
submitted 2 months ago by HM05_Me@lemmy.world to c/uap@lemmy.world
[-] HM05_Me@lemmy.world 16 points 2 months ago


Additional reporting from Denver Gazette.

Reddit user Lemonator8976 claims to be the witness that reported the sighting and provided some additional details.

The follow up article explains it, but basically we were working. We were loading semis full of expensive concert equipment and then one guy noticed it and pointed it out. We all looked at it and then one guy shined his flashlight on it. Then the thing tipped, moved slowly to the east and disappeared. By the time we realized what was really happening it was gone. 30 seconds max.

A big misconception is that this thing was way up in the sky. It wasn’t. It was hovering over the hill not very high off the ground. It was just off the horizon, not way up above our heads. An old boycott trick is to hold your hand up to the horizon to see how many hand lengths you have left before the sun sets. This thing was just two fingers above the horizon.

Couldn’t see any other features. It was too far away and it was matte black. Like the blackest black you’ve ever seen. The black blended in with the night sky so well, we probably wouldn’t have seen it if it didn’t have its lights on.

The lights were around the edge rim of the disc. They were evenly spaced apart and you could see them curve around the to backside of the disc.

I was not wearing my glasses and I have an astigmatism, so I could not make out the windows. All I could see was the disc and the lights going around it. It was my a couple of my coworkers who said they could see the windows. They said it was like a grid that was 3 squares high several dozen squares long all the way around the craft. The thing was a couple blocks long, hence why I described it as a “3 story office building in the sky”. It really was that big.

[-] HM05_Me@lemmy.world 11 points 4 months ago

More recently, Schumer and a bipartisan group of five other senators introduced extraordinary legislation alleging the existence of surreptitious “legacy programs” that retrieve and seek to reverse-engineer UFOs of “non-human” origin.

A bit of both. Some are leaning into a non-human element, as documented in the amendment put forward by Schumer. A stripped down version of that passed with the last National Defense Authorization Act still including some mention of non-human intelligence. While others aren't speculating on their origins, just that there are objects defying any currently known technology, some of which the US may have come into possession in the past.

[-] HM05_Me@lemmy.world 57 points 7 months ago

I’m wondering why this hasn’t been addressed yet. There were posts last night asking about it that have since been removed. There should be some post explaining the incident and what actions are being taken. But, there definitely needs to be additional action taken to prevent this going forward.

[-] HM05_Me@lemmy.world 11 points 7 months ago

I was thrown off since it's a weird place to be carrying one and typically used in pairs. They probably just grabbed some pool equipment and handed it to a character to add to the vacation feel of the scene.

[-] HM05_Me@lemmy.world 55 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Looks like water resistance training equipment.

Edit: Updated link. Thanks Otter!

[-] HM05_Me@lemmy.world 39 points 10 months ago

The author is Mr. Lovenstein. Looks like it’s missing a couple panels and you can also check out a hidden panel on his site. https://mrlovenstein.com/comic/855

[-] HM05_Me@lemmy.world 32 points 11 months ago

It’s fake, mon.

[-] HM05_Me@lemmy.world 12 points 1 year ago

It's definitely cool. Regardless if this expedition results in any signs of extraterrestrial technologies, it's still a unique research opportunity.

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