Bro put the punchline in the title.

I, for one, am keenly interested in Kid Rock's opinion on the role of central banking in a post-pandemic economy. /s

I loved having chickens, but sometimes you can tell they're little dinosaurs. One time I was doing something near the chicken run, and all six of them suddenly went quiet and dead still. Then a wasp flew through the run and one of the hens jumped about 2-3 feet off the ground and knocked it right out of the air. Another hen ran over to where it landed and ate it. It was all over in about 15-20 seconds, the birds went back to acting normal and I'm just standing there going, "Damn!".

A lot of TNG episodes would have been shorter if she had Troi's job.

Picard: "These fishy-looking ambassadors arrived in hibernation."
Lwaxana: "They're not ambassadors, they're terrorists. They have a bomb."
Picard: "Thanks, L"

Security arrests fishy dudes
Roll credits

Is that a real pic? Dude went full Big Boy.

As a wise man once said, "Sometimes I sits and thinks, and sometimes I just sits."

Darcy the human wants healthcare. Trained trash pandas want apples. Why are we even discussing this?

I actually, for real, made mushroom stroganoff tonight because all of these memes made me hungry for it.

[-] 35 points 10 months ago

Mitch McConnell tests the limits of my liberal tendency towards compassion.

[-] 43 points 11 months ago

Life isn't like the movies. Sometimes the genies you meet are just dicks.

[-] 39 points 11 months ago

NGL Impossible Whoppers are delicious and I didn't exhibit any catgirl symptoms for at least two years.

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