[-] Frederic@beehaw.org 53 points 1 week ago

uhoh, and wait for the time when the user will update his BIOS, that resets TPM2, and at reboot bitlocker asks for the 48 digits key to decrypt hard drive, that the user never saved...

[-] Frederic@beehaw.org 52 points 3 weeks ago

When I save an image, I want the exact same binary 1:1, not a recompressed one or whatever, I want the original picture, be it jpeg/png/webp, every graphics program can open webp, nothing wrong with it.

At least if you hate webp, convert them to png, but not jpeg...

[-] Frederic@beehaw.org 32 points 3 weeks ago

yeah, it's a feature required by CCP

[-] Frederic@beehaw.org 65 points 2 months ago

It was perfectly legal. And those protestors asked for things like "no vaccine required to enter USA", Trudeau had nothing to do with that. Those protestors then degenerated into various conspiracy, and basically wanted to remove Trudeau and put a dictator instead. It was almost a coup, not a "protest".

[-] Frederic@beehaw.org 45 points 8 months ago

Jokes and Humour

[-] Frederic@beehaw.org 26 points 8 months ago

It was free, I could not afford a Sun workstation and Minix had problems, so when this Finnish guy wrote in Usenet that he was working on a free kernel/OS, it was cool!

[-] Frederic@beehaw.org 58 points 9 months ago

Old article posted by a bot

[-] Frederic@beehaw.org 37 points 9 months ago

No, a electric car is twice the price of an ICE car. It's not an oil change per year that will break the deal.

Also don't believe the 3000 miles oil change, it's a scam. I change my oil every 8000 miles, there's zero problem with that, especially if you put synthetic, but dino works the same.

Frist post! (beehaw.org)
submitted 9 months ago by Frederic@beehaw.org to c/syncforlemmy@lemmy.ml

Trying to post with Sync

submitted 9 months ago by Frederic@beehaw.org to c/syncforlemmy@lemmy.ml
[-] Frederic@beehaw.org 39 points 9 months ago

It's deca, not deka

[-] Frederic@beehaw.org 29 points 9 months ago

I often did this for years, using -march=corei7 and -mtune=skylake or whatever was the best option for my cpu, patching with brainfuck scheduler, etc.

Now I don't care really ๐Ÿ˜‘

It's always cool to tinker with kernel and config, congrats ๐ŸŽ‰

[-] Frederic@beehaw.org 28 points 10 months ago

Have you seen their attempt for 3rd r/place? Lol what a shame!

[-] Frederic@beehaw.org 63 points 10 months ago

Yeah incredible, this is like a 20yo quote!

notifications? (beehaw.org)
submitted 11 months ago by Frederic@beehaw.org to c/jerboa@lemmy.ml

Is there notifications in jerboa when we have a reply?

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