[-] FatTony@lemmy.world 60 points 1 day ago

I guess deaf people aren't allowed to enjoy music like the rest of y'all.

I'm so sorry but this is the absolute funniest shit I have ever read. ๐Ÿ˜‚

[-] FatTony@lemmy.world -3 points 5 days ago

This comic doesn't make any sense.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by FatTony@lemmy.world to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

I saw an article about them attacking Lebanon now. So, where will it stop? Have the Israeli government ever spoken about this?

submitted 3 weeks ago by FatTony@lemmy.world to c/videos@lemmy.world

Just a funny video I found ^^

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by FatTony@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

When I was about 8/9 years old I was told by a friend of mine I couldn't play with them any more. Their mother didn't approve of it for some reason.

One year later I asked my mom if she ever knew why this was the case. She said that other mother thought I wasn't good enough for her child. But that after a while that mother said she may be okay with it now.

But my mother said she didn't like that idea. That this friendship would be all reliant on that mother's "generosity". And I didn't feel the need to object to that. My mom's reasoning made perfect sense to me, even on age 10. This was not the way you treat friendships fairly from a parents perspective, I realised. (There is a little more to this story though, but this is all I care to share.)

I still feel like that was a mature thing I did. Because I was not a child that took 'no' very well at that age. So what are your childhood experiences where, now upon looking back, you feel you handled it maturely?

[-] FatTony@lemmy.world 119 points 1 month ago

Unplug the virtual cable.

[-] FatTony@lemmy.world 112 points 1 month ago

To the other sideside.

[-] FatTony@lemmy.world 190 points 1 month ago

DuckDuckGo has changed its policy to DuckDuckStop. So now no one can use it anymore.

(I dunno DuckDuckGo is not working anymore. I think it has something to do with Microsofts servers)

[-] FatTony@lemmy.world 302 points 1 month ago

๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™ƒ ๐Ÿ™‚

[-] FatTony@lemmy.world 135 points 1 month ago
[-] FatTony@lemmy.world 206 points 1 month ago

I don't know who the backstreet boys are but here you go:

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by FatTony@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

Edit: Due to popular demand FatTony Search servers are down for the time being. but has gone open source just in time (Yes that's how it works ๐Ÿ˜ก) . You may now get responses from other users. Servers will be back up some time later.

submitted 1 month ago by FatTony@lemmy.world to c/movies@lemmy.world

I got inspired to make this after watching 'The House That Jack Built' and 'Nymphomaniac'

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by FatTony@lemmy.world to c/movies@lemmy.world
submitted 1 month ago by FatTony@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world
submitted 1 month ago by FatTony@lemmy.world to c/moviesandtv@lemm.ee

geteilt von: https://lemmy.world/post/15217776

Hi there,

I hope my title as well as the examples shown in the picture get the idea across of what I'm looking for. Doesn't matter what the genre is, I am just looking for movies which are shot in this grim lighting.

Also, for fun, try and guess which movies the pictures come from.

AnswerSuspiria (2018)

Black Swan

The Road

submitted 1 month ago by FatTony@lemmy.world to c/movies@lemmy.world

Hi there,

I hope my title as well as the examples shown in the picture get the idea across of what I'm looking for. Doesn't matter what the genre is, I am just looking for movies which are shot in this grim lighting.

Also, for fun, try and guess which movies the pictures come from.

AnswerSuspiria (2018)

Black Swan

The Road

submitted 1 month ago by FatTony@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world
submitted 2 months ago by FatTony@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world
del (lemmy.world)
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by FatTony@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

When I was like 7 or 8 years old. I was friends with some kid. Later his mom did not allow us to be play together any more (it was something along lines of me not being good enough for her son, this I found out way later). It really sucked, we were good friends.

A couple years later when I was 11. I asked my mom if the mother of my friend ever explained as to why she forbade us playing together. This is when my mother told me but she added: "Well at one point she said she was okay with it now. But I didn't feel like this was a correct way to do things. It was not okay that this would be all on her call."

And I didn't feel the need to argue (which was not common for me at that age ๐Ÿ˜…) . I understood where my mom was coming from and I agreed. If that other mother forbade us from being friends she ought to stick to it and not act as some sort of mercy plead.

There is a little more detail to this story though. But it's little bit too private to share right now. Anyway what is your childhood story where upon thinking back to it, you handled (according to you) a situation maturely for your age?

[-] FatTony@lemmy.world 122 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

I don't know. Selling out on the one thing that made you stand out as a company? Sounds like a smart business decision to me.

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