[-] Euphorazine@lemmy.world 342 points 1 week ago

Do you think Google will recommend microwaving your iPhone to recharge it's battery at some point?

[-] Euphorazine@lemmy.world 22 points 1 month ago

Well the best strategy is to only buy four houses and never convert to hotels, preventing your opponents from buying houses, since there is a finite supply.

[-] Euphorazine@lemmy.world 32 points 2 months ago

These incidents shouldn't happen with proper checks during registration. Registration should safeguard against this by checking voter eligibility.

Headline makes it seem like he voted multiple times in the same election. It's just stating that he registered to vote 9 times under felony probation since early 2000s.

I thought it was bullshit those Florida felons got in trouble for voting after registration didn't safeguard them, we should think it's bullshit he is getting the same treatment.

[-] Euphorazine@lemmy.world 167 points 2 months ago

Isnt that how all social media sites start out. Starts with nerd culture and eventually other people come in later?

[-] Euphorazine@lemmy.world 45 points 3 months ago

I feel like everyone is missing the line that says "before it came out". However, I find that hard to believe that 1 million people played a pirated copy before the release date and i can't remember any leaked gameplay or screenshots.

[-] Euphorazine@lemmy.world 20 points 3 months ago

On the website on a desktop, the shorts section has an X on the top right of its section. That should hide shorts for a few days. It says 30 days but I'm not convinced.

You can click the options on any video to say you aren't interested in that video or that channel.

You can delete videos from your watch history if your algorithm gets tainted. Like my nephew was watching a bunch of train videos on my TV. So algo started sending me all these train recommendations. I just deleted them from my watch history and haven't seen a train video since.

[-] Euphorazine@lemmy.world 84 points 4 months ago

"The Sunshine Protection Act", oh is this some bill against pollution or something. "This bill makes daylight savings permanent."

Oh fuck off, that's too grandiose of a name for that. I mean I want that, but you aren't protecting sunshine ...

[-] Euphorazine@lemmy.world 14 points 4 months ago

Ah, the "I am aware I'm doing something wrong, but I'm doing it anyways" button.

[-] Euphorazine@lemmy.world 16 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Yeah, if we could not be 2016 election deniers, that be great.

Electoral college won't change until Dems flip states like Texas or something to where the presidential seat is guaranteed every year.

If the DNC didn't want Trump to win, they shouldn't have put up Hillary. If the repubs didn't want Biden to win, they shouldn't have put up Trump.

Sadly, I think the DNC made a mistake in not setting up a replacement for Biden and letting him try for two terms.

[-] Euphorazine@lemmy.world 37 points 5 months ago

I don't think Vader is idolized because of his morals, it's because his character is cool.

[-] Euphorazine@lemmy.world 43 points 7 months ago

My favorite bit of irony is how spez was throwing shade at third party apps for having the audacity to "profit" off reddits's work for free, when that is reddits's entire business model.

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