More proof that we really are in the worst timeline.

[-] 1 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

I have and I 100% can tell you which color skittle I'm eating.

Edit: This only includes the original flavors. I'm not familiar enough with the various versions.

This is silly semantics. If you can close your eyes and tell which color you are eating then the flavors are different enough. Scent is also linked to taste.

[-] 3 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

I keep having this argument with my mom. She keeps trying to tell me it's because I'm older and my taste bus have changed. I'll admit my preference in flavor may have broadened but all my favorite snacks and candy from the late 80s and early 90s have been terribly inshitafide. My absolute favorite was skittles. The apple ruined them but then they finally caved and put lime back in only to change the receipt altogether which ruined them a second time. At least one of the ingredients is illegal in most countries at this point.

I mean doesn't everyone still at least wear the stretchy shorts under their dress? Like I'm not going just panties. That seems so lewd.

"Step daughter dropped of my son" has a real Alabama vibe.

Good. If all parties are consenting what is the problem?

This is like the rambling of street person after a week long math binge. Like, are these a bunch of idioms that just lose meaning in translation? And what's up with all the hate over yeast?

I was unaware the translation was this far off base. Can you give more about this? I love hearing about how bastardized the Bible has become from the ages of playing telephone.

Absolutely pure nightmare fuel.

Oh wow. I had no idea those were him as well. Watching a few more videos after my post I did come to realize it was an actual tv sketch of some sort. Production value was a bit too high for the time. Still hilarious but not the diamond in the rough I first thought.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

Anyone remember this? This was the jacket Panam sported on day one. It got patched so fast I can't find a single reference of it online.


What's everyone's opinion on the original fully black jacket? Panam sported this before they changed it to the red one we know today.

[-] 60 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I dislike the wording. The use of the word "low" should either be left out entirely or placed before both intelligence and impulse. The way it is written now it could confer that low impulse control reflects high intelligence.

Is that me? (
Happy Trans Visibility Day (

I was talking to my hairdresser last week and she loves injections. Guess she forgets enough that pills everyday are too much for her. I'm taking mine in the morning, evening and then progesterone right before bed. So, three times a day I have to take pills. Guess I'm curious what your thoughts about the differences are and if it's just about convenience, as the injections are only once a week, or are there any other benefits one way or the other.

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