There's none. Majority of adults here don't play videogames. And discord is a mess, too complicated to use and you need to already to know people to make it work, also nobody here use it. People here only use Instagram or WhatsApp and I don't see the point of following people at the other side of the world
Yeah, and you know who usually hook up? The attractive, generic "interesting"ones. I'm not any of those things, is in my soul being retracted, quiet, not talkative and only doing stuff in my room, like gaming and maybe once a year going to the movies. That doesn't sound bad, at least for a short hook up to me, but apparently I'm not a catch for the rest of the "normal world". I guess people like me don't deserve love or even cuddling.
What, those apps that never work and ask you for a lot of money? Also they sell your info and I don't feel like putting my face online.
Same thing. And Facebook is used mostly by old adults. And I don't use Facebook anyways, I hate that place and hate being bombarded with photos of generic attractive girls I don't know
Is better to not try than feeling broken and humiliated. Trust me.
I dunno, my mother married a boring man for 11 years. Why not me? Then she re married another boring man, less responsible and with alcoholic problems. Again, why not me?