What do you think the odds are that there's mashed up people in there?

I kinda tumbled down a hill

This one street in the town I grew up in had one side exposed to a steep down incline. A big garbage truck speed past me while I was in the bike lane and the gust of wind created by it put me off balance for a moment

Working in IT, I have learned that a lot of meetings are by people who gain “respect and notoriety” by having large meetings. It doesn’t matter who shows up, it’s the number, that makes them seem popular. “Get the engineers in here, this is serious business!”

Narcissists always climb to the top stepping on people to get there.

yep. My understanding though is that this was for a surprise meeting, which you wouldn’t know about until it starts.

yes, but the guy above you is also correct

[-] -1 points 3 days ago

But many of the people who follow them are genuine believers.

I don't believe that, even if they say they do, I don't believe that they actually believe it

[-] 10 points 4 days ago

and suck your own dick.

Not to toot my own horn...But I can actually do that to myself. I discovered that talent of mine after I fell off my bike one time.

I don't think the vast majority of self-proclaimed flat earthers actually believe that shit

lose lose scenario

clearly he swims when he's not in the shallows

I don't think an ad with this kind of imagery would fly today


It's a meme, black and white, of a guy showing his "moving castle" to a woman he likes

And she says "so you live in your car?"

I don't remember the title or what sub it was in

Just send me the link if you find it.


I don't get this one


Shitty movies and shitty music needs to be seeded more than good music and movies.

set the ratio limit to like...10 or higher.

Ant smell (

I have a very powerful sense of smell.

Autism rule (

the people I know don't listen and often hear the opposite of what I say. That's why I have to repeat myself a lot.


I've been like this ever since I quit school.


Is the laser on the Wurkkos HD01 safe to use to play with pets? I've got a dog that loves to chase the laser but my Nebo Slim+ 1200 died when it fell off of my backpack strap.


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I guess I'm just Single Minded

P.S. my store is on sale!


I do

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