[-] ElderWendigo@sh.itjust.works 4 points 15 hours ago

Counterpoint: It's a salad.

[-] ElderWendigo@sh.itjust.works 3 points 17 hours ago

What about Kirk? We see his Father and Mother in the Kelvin timeline. His brother along with wife and child in TOS and SNW. Despite them not marrying, I think that Carol Marcus and James Marcus still count as family. We also see Admiral Marcus, Carol's father. Also Kirk did briefly have another wife, Miramanee, and unborn child. They got stoned to death before the episode ended and maybe the unborn child doesn't count as seen.

[-] ElderWendigo@sh.itjust.works 3 points 18 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago)

Downloading from YouTube or Spotify is still piracy. And those sources offer mostly shit quality far removed from the artist's intent.

Believe it of not, there are things that aren't on Spotify, YouTube, TIDAL, Apple Music, Bandcamp, or any streaming service. Sometimes when a streaming service does have a song or album, it's either not the best quality or only a radio censored version available, even if Spotify claims it's the explicit version. And that explicit tag feels like a slander because the original intent should be default and the radio edits should be the one's with the CENSORED tag.

There is great music out there you can't purchase or stream a digital release of.

There are old and often played CDs in my collection that can't be ripped properly (by me) for one reason or another.

There are some really high quality vinyl recordings out there, done by people with better hardware and more skill than I. Again, many of these vinyl releases are not available in any other format and are no longer available for purchase anywhere.

The real primary reason I got into it, in the long ago times of Napster, was that I liked to make mixtapes/discs. When radio was no longer playing songs I wanted on those tapes, the wilds of Internet was the answer.

I still regularly support the artists I like as directly as I can: buying albums and merch directly from them at shows or their own websites. And I spend more of that money on more artists and especially less popular artists specifically because of the habits listed above.

Don't sleep on his sexual charisma, his flute skills, and his fluency in history, philosophy, and literature.

I'm not sure what exactly is going on with the colors in the background, especially the fishing net, but the thumbnail is accidentally a bit obscene.

My mind may be in the gutter, but I'm staring up at the birds.

In my experience, 2 devices will ultimately save you effort and frustration. Anything you choose as a good NAS/seedbox will be unlikely to have a good from the couch interface or handle Netflix reliable and easily. A small Android TV box may have a much better interface, simple app setup, and support all the streaming services, but probably won't be very powerful or convenient to use as a NAS. The NAS is always on, plugged directly into the Internet access point, and tucked away out of sight and sound. The Android TV or Apple TV box is silent, small, and can be mounted directly to the Beamer/Projector.

Yes, Kodi exists and it's add-ons can bridge this gap. But I still think that a SBC NAS running Jellyfin or plex + an Nvidia shield with jellyfin, Plex, Netflix, Spotify, YouTube, amaon, etc. will be so much easier to setup, manage, find support for, and upgrade.

I have a similar setup even though my server has a direct HDMI link to my TV. I'm not a fan of viewing using the server it from the couch. Setting up IR remotes sucks always. And it's confusing for anyone but me to use. But if my Nvidia Shield dies or I'm having network trouble, VLC a pretty good backup.

Maybe they are illuminating their living room with the front end of a BMW.

Better yet, it's a Pimp My Ride style makeover that replaces those unused turn signals with a projection system for an instant drive-in movie experience.

[-] ElderWendigo@sh.itjust.works 8 points 2 days ago

This is gonna sound odd, but have you cleaned out the USB port lately? Weird stuff happens when pocket lint collects in there. I thought mine had a dead port until I picked out (with a non-conductive toothpick) the lint I didn't realize had accumulated.

[-] ElderWendigo@sh.itjust.works 1 points 2 days ago

You're so eager to argue that you didn't actually comprehend what I said.

[-] ElderWendigo@sh.itjust.works 13 points 2 days ago

You're probably not preparing your garlic correctly for the recipe. It's not always about volume.

[-] ElderWendigo@sh.itjust.works 4 points 2 days ago

The amount of downvotes on this comment is a symptom of how toxic this community has become.

[-] ElderWendigo@sh.itjust.works 4 points 3 days ago

Who cares? It's a work phone that is used only for work, they are entitled and expected to track it as much as my work laptop or any other company equipment. That's not a privacy issue unless you're using company resources for personal stuff. If I don't want them tracking me I just turn it off or leave it at home.


As seen very briefly in the movie Weekend at Bernie's II (1993), what is the yellow box like thing this lady is carrying? Camera? Maybe, but what make or model?

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