[-] DrinkMonkey@lemmy.ca 7 points 3 weeks ago

Shrubs are delectable! But they could be seen as an intimidating suggestion in this context. IKEA has some affordable fruit concentrates of lingonberry, blueberry, and elderflower you could substitute with a splash of vinegar for a refreshing lower effort treat.

[-] DrinkMonkey@lemmy.ca 7 points 2 months ago

Or maybe, like, regulation?

[-] DrinkMonkey@lemmy.ca 7 points 3 months ago

I used this line when cancelling with my ISP. The chat agent didn’t get the reference but responded with an “oh my” (or equivalent, I don’t really remember the details).

[-] DrinkMonkey@lemmy.ca 7 points 3 months ago

…and you…and you…and you…

[-] DrinkMonkey@lemmy.ca 9 points 4 months ago

The spinning top totem at the end of Inception. Neo stopping the bullets in The Matrix. The first shot of the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park. The Nazis’ faces melting in Raiders.

Dialogue can be wonderful. But visual storytelling that treats the audience with respect is what cinema is all about.

Check out the (now defunct) YouTube channel Every Frame a Painting. The video on Drive in particular opened my eyes to how Refn composes shots to incredible effect.

And it is NOT about capturing “pretty” scenes, but about manipulating the viewer’s emotions in ways they do not even perceive.

[-] DrinkMonkey@lemmy.ca 10 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

It does not. It doesn’t even keep track of your past searches. They may make this possible in the future, but already have it set as off by default, should it ever happen. It’s honestly, really, really good!

ETA - you can indicate what sources should filter up higher in your results if you want

[-] DrinkMonkey@lemmy.ca 8 points 6 months ago

To give a non-snarky answer, it does AR with external cameras and an incredibly low lag such that those who have tried it have said makes it almost natural (the resolution apparently isn’t perfect, but there is no discernible input lag when looking around which happens on other similar devices). But you can dial up the opacity to wind up in a fully VR environment. So, it is in fact, both.

Your question about software is a big one. Apple is advertising 1M apps available at launch (good) but these are iPad apps, which can run on Vision OS without any modifications by the developers (not so good). That does not mean it will be a good experience. I was listening to a podcast today where a developer clearly stated that after getting a chance to try their app on device at a lab, they totally stopped development because they missed the mark completely with their imagination and the simulator on how it should work. You’ll still be able to run their iPad app, but until they get their hands on their own hardware to iterate more rapidly, they’re giving up.

All that to say it’s unclear how many apps will be natively designed to work with it on launch, and if these will be any good.

Thankfully I don’t live in the US so I am immune to this particular reality distortion field. For now…

[-] DrinkMonkey@lemmy.ca 9 points 6 months ago

It’s “competency porn” comfort food. I like to escape and imagine what the world would be like if everyone were as good at their jobs as those fictional characters were at theirs…

[-] DrinkMonkey@lemmy.ca 7 points 6 months ago

The origin is he was called a “short fingered vulgarian” in a print article in Spy (which called Kissinger a socialite war criminal). It means that he is cheap (short fingers don’t reach deep into pockets to get at money) which he took literally to mean having small hands. Dude just slid right past the actual insult and moved on to a different one that he either preferred to argue against or substituted because he didn’t understand the original.

[-] DrinkMonkey@lemmy.ca 7 points 7 months ago

You can buy a lifetime license for Infuse. Alternatively the Jellyfin app is available too (as Swiftfin on the Apple TV App Store, but displays as Jellyfin on the Home Screen).

[-] DrinkMonkey@lemmy.ca 9 points 8 months ago

I think it’s also worth mentioning that Polaris Aa, the youngest star in the triplet, is also the brightest by 3 orders of magnitude. Without Polaris Aa, we wouldn’t actually consider it as the North Star at all…so I think you are safe to continue using this as a fact.

Go blow some people’s minds, everyone!

[-] DrinkMonkey@lemmy.ca 8 points 10 months ago

Ok so here’s the story of Windex…

In Greece, rubbing alcohol is frequently used as a cure-all for aches and pains, zits, all the stuff we see Gus use Windex for in the first movie. But the thing is that in Greece, rubbing alcohol is dyed blue.

Upon immigration to North America, they sought out the same folk remedy of rubbing alcohol, but it was missing the characteristic blue dye. So they substituted the available item that was a blue cleaning solution…Windex.

So, there you go…

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