[-] Draegur@lemm.ee 1 points 1 hour ago

i'm no longer christian but the idea of imagining jesus as a goalie, hell as the net, our souls as the ball/puck, and sins as the other players is kind of amusing to me.

[-] Draegur@lemm.ee 39 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Oh no, now he's going to smell almost like there's an orange in the next room!

[-] Draegur@lemm.ee 4 points 1 day ago

local pizza joints are a t r e a s u r e .

My favorite place, i love their pasta dishes even more than their pies. THEY get the big tips!

[-] Draegur@lemm.ee 10 points 1 day ago

and i suppose blimps and dirigibles are further to the right and lower than the graph displays u_u

[-] Draegur@lemm.ee 15 points 1 day ago

... No.

It's that of all extant (surviving) members of each generation, this percentage OF them identifies as queer. 3% of the silent generation means 97% of them don't.
4% of boomers means 96% of boomers don't.
7% of gen-x-ers means 93% of them don't.
16% of ~~doomers~~ millennials means 84% of millennials don't.
28% of zoomers means 73% of zoomers don't.
A whopping (97+96+93+84+73)= 443% of people are straight? No, that is not the case.

According to the US Census bureau as of 2022, The silent generation makes up 5.49% of the population (of whom 3% are LGBT). 3% of 5.49% = 0.16%
The boomers make up 20.58% of the population (of whom 4% are LGBT). 4% of 20.58% = 0.82%
Gen X makes up 19.61% of the population (of whom 7% are LGBT). 7% of 19.61% = 1.37%
Millennials make up 21.67% of the population (of whom 16% are LGBT). 16% of 21.67% = 3.47% Zoomers make up 20.88% of the population (of whom 28% are LGBT). 28% of 20.88% = 5.85%

The remaining 11.77% of the population are not represented on this graph and comprise the vanishingly small remains of the greatest generation and gen-α. If we were to assume that gen-α were 0% LGBT, that would mean 11.67% of the total population are LGBT. If 100% of gen-α were LGBT, that would mean 23.44% of the total population, which is equally unrealistic. Following the trends we see here, I would expect no more than 50% of the gen-α cohort would identify as LGBT, and more likely less. At most, the segment of the population at large who would identify as LGBT at present time is probably LESS than 17.56%

... but it'll be cool if it goes higher :3

[-] Draegur@lemm.ee 50 points 1 day ago

on the one hand, tipping is toxic and enables exploitation
on the other hand, i respect the grind and understand life is hard out there for people just trying to get by

I'll usually tip 20% for delivery drivers because going literal MILES to bring me my food is objectively more daunting than crossing a room.

[-] Draegur@lemm.ee 6 points 2 days ago


[-] Draegur@lemm.ee 20 points 3 days ago

hexbear isn't even malicious. hexbear is spicy at best. not nearly as bad as lemmygrad, which is outright repugnant in its overt hostility. hexbear users are at least CAPABLE of communicating, whereas in my experience lemmygrad users pull the animal farm squealer move and defecate on the floor before storming out.

[-] Draegur@lemm.ee 25 points 3 days ago

soaring to new heights of hypocrisy, Israel is acting as an inquisition in Palestine and crusading there.

[-] Draegur@lemm.ee 4 points 3 days ago

Technically correct, which is the best kind of correct.

[-] Draegur@lemm.ee 4 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

If I had a deathnote.. MAYBE I wouldn't write his name in it, but only if he notices all the corrupt government officials suddenly having unfortunate accidents, realize he has a chance to be a better person than they were, and then acts upon that chance promptly.

[-] Draegur@lemm.ee 29 points 5 days ago

listen, dog kibble is like, scientifically engineered and shit to give them a balanced diet full of all the nutrients every dog needs completely

if there were people kibble just like that i'd probably eat it too

and not just because i find puppygirls enthralling >////>;

innie rule (cdn.discordapp.com)
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by Draegur@lemm.ee to c/196@lemmy.blahaj.zone

Also trans rights

submitted 9 months ago by Draegur@lemm.ee to c/alexandrite@lemmy.world

One of the interaction menu options (where "Cross-post / Send Message / Report Post / Block user / Block Community" live)
OR (preferably)
perhaps even one of the external buttons (next to Comment / Save / Original Post -OR- next to Upvote / Downvote)
should be the ability to either hide or collapse a given post so the things you've already seen take up less screen space
(but shouldn't be permanently lost to you so you can go back to something if you decide you want to look at it again)

Also, apologies if this is already suggested, I tried to search, and either it isn't there or the search function isn't very good.

submitted 10 months ago by Draegur@lemm.ee to c/memes@lemmy.ml

... but it's not like he's not in a rush.

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