
joined 5 months ago
[–] DisabledAceSocialist@lemmygrad.ml 5 points 1 week ago (17 children)

Oh, these are good ideas, thanks! I didn't even think of doing this. I will start working on a draft and try to post what I have tomorrow.

I don't think I can use my foot surgery as a reason in this way though. I currently have to wear "LimbO boots," in the shower, waterproof foot coverings as I have to keep my surgical dressings dry. So lack of a shower wouldn't harm my surgical sites. What the lack of the soap substitute does, is mean that I have to use normal soap, which flares the eczema up badly again and then it gets infected again. Then I have to either go to hospital or be prescribed antibiotic creams.

But yes, writing about how lack of migraine meds and eczema cream will adversely affect me is good. I've been admitted to hospital many times when my eczema gets very badly infected. I was going to use the cost of this as a reason why they should keep prescribing me the cream - it must be expensive for the NHS to keep admitting someone to hospital - what do you think?

The cost is the argumentative lever they are using to degrade your supplies and you don’t want to give it any merit in your appeal.

I don't have any real proof that this is why they're doing it though. The pharmacist did complain that my migraine tablets are very expensive, but the actual GP hasn't said anything about that. He just started giving me prescriptions for half the usual amount of eczema cream/soap substitute without a word about why, and has simply ignored my previous request for him to prescribe a full months worth of migraine tablets instead of the 8 a month he prescribes now.

We live in the dystopian timeline. It is getting more and more impossible for people around the world to get their basic needs met, while the rich get richer. It's getting more like Ready Player One by the day, where a few trillionaires own everything and everyone else is in absolutely miserable, hopeless poverty. And it's crazy that so many powerful Americans call themselves pro-life, the same Americans in charge who let people die due to corporate greed.

An elderly centaur fell down and a little girl pony is helping him up.


I find this absolutely terrifying. And we all know what this means - pushing disabled people into jobs that aren't at all suitable, by stopping their disability payments. As for the claim they're going to increase mental health services to get the mentally ill back into work, well just read my previous posts about what NHS therapy is like. It's worse than useless, to the extent that my therapist refused to give me real therapy, saying there's no point in my case, and me committing suicide seems like a reasonable plan. That's NHS therapy for you! These things are never about helping the disabled, they're always about the economy. While those in charge live like kings.


"Even more stringent benefit cuts are on the cards." "Ministers are planning billions in cuts to disability benefits." "the House of Lords economic affairs committee said this might not be enough."

FFS just legalise euthanasia already. I'd rather get a quick injection than starve to death out on the streets. Even the Nazis were kinder to the disabled, gassing them to death quickly.


Considering how many people think disabled people should only be given the bare essentials of life, or not even that, this is not a surprise.


I guess even more disabled people than usual can starve to death or be driven to suicide if it saves a tiny fraction of the country's GDP. Meanwhile those in charge waste money like there's no tomorrow.


The judge said " "The DWP’s revelation that they carried out absolutely no employment or disability impact assessment has confirmed my fears," that the government's sole intention was to save money by cutting disability benefits and making them harder to access, with the only motivation being to reduce welfare spending, giving no thought at all to how this will affect the disabled.




Stephen Jay Gould.

Imagine what a utopia we could be living in if all those talented people had been able to use their talents instead of struggling to survive, or being trapped in wage slavery or actual slavery. We'd probably have free, clean energy and have terraformed Mars for human habitation by now.

Think about how capitalism, the rat race and constant struggle for survival have held us back as a species.


I did ask on mutual aid on hexbear twice but got no responses.

I'm going through a disability benefit appeal. I've got absolutely no money whatsoever, my overdraft is maxxed out and I'm 5 months in rent arrears, no family to help and the food bank is so difficult and time consuming to access. You get three days worth of food but it takes over a week to access. So every week there's 4 or more days of starvation. Anyway I am absolutely starving. The problem is, I don't dare ask for money in case I get in trouble with the DWP (British benefit nazis) for having a source of income. So would anyone please be able to help me out with food some other way than money? British supermarket gift cards (eg for sainsburys/tesco/asda), a justeat voucher, an amazon voucher so I can order food from amazon pantry, I mean anything at all that isn't actual money? I am so desperate I don't know what to do. I know sainsburys take google pay for giftcards. You don't have to be in the UK to order them.

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