[-] Diotima@kbin.social 21 points 3 months ago

I've seen space vampires enslave circus clowns in a plot to corner the world's market on instant ramen, too.

Source: Trust me bro.

[-] Diotima@kbin.social 23 points 3 months ago

Part of it is either Reddit manipulating search positioning or Google (most people's default search) prioritizing Reddit results. Searching for answers to questions often results in a half page of Reddit links. They may not be relevant, but that doesn't become apparent until you're there.

[-] Diotima@kbin.social 19 points 4 months ago

And when they again need people, they'll whine about how no one wants to work for them. Or how workers are "taking advantage."

[-] Diotima@kbin.social 20 points 4 months ago

Fair question!

If an email address is being used for fraud, they don't need to see the encrypted copy; they can see the copy sent out to other people from that address. So if I send you a message from my Protonmail to your Gmail, the following is true:

Copy @ Protonmail: E2EE.
Copy @ Gmail: NOT E2EE.

There are other, circumstantial ways to tell as well. If you're trying to scam people with DudeBro Cryptocurrency, you necessarily reveal the address you use when you send our your spam or scams. If I send malware from notactuallydiotima@proton.me, the proof that I sent the malware does not require you to see my server stored mail; you can just look at your own copy to see.

Does that make sense?

[-] Diotima@kbin.social 28 points 4 months ago

Name them, shame them. They deserve the notoriety that their racist behavior offers.

[-] Diotima@kbin.social 19 points 4 months ago

Someone should tell Netanyahu that the list of human rights atrocities isn't a fucking pokedex. You're not supposed to collect them all.

[-] Diotima@kbin.social 18 points 4 months ago

"No arrests were made."

That's because erasing Palestinians is the goal of the Israeli government. They will not be happy until all of the Palestinians have fled or are dead.

Sounds achingly familiar.

[-] Diotima@kbin.social 21 points 4 months ago

I've made the "promotion later" mistake once. I was as new at what I do as he was; taught me not to trust corps to do the right thing if it isn't in writing and even then, not.

[-] Diotima@kbin.social 18 points 5 months ago
  1. Because "closing the border" is a nonsense statement that doesn't account for the reality of the border abd its size. Thousands of miles of border means it is nearly impossible to patrol even a small fraction of it.

  2. People working for super low wages is a product of policy and exploitation. Making it easy and legal to immigrate for work is the right answer, as is enforcing labor law.

[-] Diotima@kbin.social 17 points 5 months ago

Now that the "official" stuff is out of the way, here are some things to consider:

Maps during similar periods of Earth history have been laughably inaccurate, so we assume that Faerunian cartographers are offering "best estimate" distances. This is supported by real-world evidence. As this enterprising gamer has noted in detail, changes to maps distances have been substantial. Between the old Forgotten Realms Interactive Atlas and the official 5E map, distances are often off by up to 20 miles; it even puts BG as around 17 miles north of the Chionthar!

It goes without saying, but take these map as aids, not as a hard and fast requirement for your own campaign.

So... fudge the distances if you need to; these maps are off by nearly 20 miles in some places! Elturel is 15 miles further east on this old map versus the newer map, for example, and there's a similar distance discrepancy between Trollclaw and Baldur's Gate. So... there's wiggle room, even if you're trying to be 'official.'

For me, I prefer to place Moonrise 15-17 miles west of the Grove. Having it a mere 7 miles away seems a bit too close.

The Grove being 21 miles east of Elturel DOES make sense and is consistent with my original estimates (the 200 miles here is very close to the 200 "by river" I measured before) ; that's between a day and a day and a half of travel on trails through mountainous terrain.

[-] Diotima@kbin.social 28 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

The location of the nautiloid crash site and the grove have been bugging us for some time, so we decided to take it upon ourselves to figure out where exactly, we start. The inner line on the image, where it intersects the Chionthar, is our estimate.

Supporting evidence:

In the gameplay demo, available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9hU6UJX_pc, Larian references the crash site as "200 miles from Baldur's Gate." However, 200 miles from BG intersects Elturel, suggesting that "as the crow flies" is not right. Instead, we used string to measure out 200 miles by river.

The tieflings in the Grove mention being "a ten-day" away from the Gate. #dnd characters move approximately 24 miles a day. We assume they round up a bit, account for difficult terrain on parts of the trail, and the slower pace of children. They also likely estimate from their (former) home of Elturel versus the relatively unfamiliar Grove.

Blighted Village / Moonhaven

The Blighted Village (Moonhaven) is recorded as being on the edge of Elturgard. While Elturgard likely extends out quite a ways on paper, they are not likely regularly patrolling more than a day out.

Additionally, goblin raiders on the grove do not carry many supplies, suggesting that they can raid and return "home" in less than a day.

Some maps place the Grove much closer to Elturel. However, we believe that even with their recent return from Avernus, they'd have sent scouts to investigate the crash of the nautiloid if they'd seen it. Based on the altitude of the ship when it began its descent, our placement puts it below their line of sight.

The tiefling refugees would have put enough distance between Elturel and themselves to avoid harassment, but they were laden with children. A day's journey, if that was the edge of Elturel's patrols, makes sense to us.

Placing the grove further west puts it too close to Baldur's Gate, in our opinion, as the travel times would no longer make sense. #dnd #dungeonsanddragons

[-] Diotima@kbin.social 17 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Except that's not true. Somehow, 23andme missed the almost certainly anomalous activity on thier network that lead to the extraction of 6.9 million users' data. Missing the activity associated with the massive data dump, designing thier system to allow for that? 100% thier fault.

One should not be able to use a set of hacked accounts to dump that much data. That's a design flaw.

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