[-] DillyDaily@lemmy.world 39 points 3 weeks ago

The female condom has two rigid rings, one in the sealed end that sits under the cervix, and one at the open end.

The ring at the open end is designed to hold the condom open and give the penetrating partner a nice big safe target to make sure the penis/toy/whatever goes inside the condom and not accidentally between the condom and the vaginal wall. This ring also provides some minor protection to parts of the vulva due to its size.

The internal ring is much smaller by comparison, and is not that much larger than a diva cup. The internal ring of a female condom is a similar size to a "soft cup" menstrual cup, it's a little bit smaller than a contraceptive diaphragm.

[-] DillyDaily@lemmy.world 34 points 2 months ago

It doesn't depend on knowing the type of snake though.

Every hospital I've ever heard of have detection kits that can tell them exactly what anti-venom you need without needing to get closer to the snake that bit you.

You can bring the snake in, but that's just going to delay your care as a bunch of untrained doctors and nurses try to figure out what to do with a venomous snake in their emergency room.

There's less than 5 snake bite deaths a year, and most of those are due to delayed care, none are due to "didn't know the snake"

[-] DillyDaily@lemmy.world 33 points 2 months ago

I remember during Covid lock downs extroverts were loosing their minds and blaming their extrovertism for their cabin fever.

First of all, true isolation is unhealthy and crazy inducing for everyone, that's why they still use solitary confinement in prisons for further punishment, so no, extroverts, you're not special for feeling depressed during a global pandemic. (but yes, it did suck extra for them)

But so many extroverts seemed to assume lock downs were an introverts wet dream. There was very little attempt to understand each other. I'd see introverts empathising with extroverts who were struggling, but the reverse rarely happened, extroverts just seemed to assume "you introverts must be loving this solitude" and when myself and others tried to open up about how we were struggling I would hear "yeah but you like being alone, you're used to it" like that makes it easier.

At no point did I really see any of the extroverts I know, or anyone online posting about how "wow, being pushed this far out of my comfort zone by lockdowns sucks, is this how introverts feel when I force them to actively engage in crowded, highly social parties?"

Not that I expect the middle of a planet wide plague to be the time I'd suddenly expect people to show self reflection and emotional maturity, but it was still worth the observation.

[-] DillyDaily@lemmy.world 35 points 2 months ago

My entire understanding of skinheads was "skinheads are fascists" and I never delved any deeper into it. Until the other month when my barber told me I should consider getting a chelsea cut, my gut reaction being "why would I want to look like a neonazi?"

But one simple online search later, and I went back for the shave. The original sentiment of the skinhead culture is slowly being reclaimed, though there will always be two potential interpretations of what someone with that style stands for, I'll happily rock my skinbird cut at union rallies and antifa protective counter-protests when actual nazis try to raid our local queer clubs.

[-] DillyDaily@lemmy.world 34 points 2 months ago

I'm hard of hearing and terrified of standing in the wrong place at an airport and missing the visual cues to board the flight. Once boarding starts and people start queueing up, I usually get in line because it's helpful to see what everyone in front of me is doing - the order that they hand over paperwork or get carry on double checked. I can't guarantee I'll be able to hear the attendant if they ask me questions at the gate because it's so noisy, so I like to at least feel like I'm prepared.

One time I was flying with crutches and qualified for early pre-boarding because I needed the plane wheelchair (skychair). I sat right next to the gate desk and waited, then I started seeing people queue up so I quickly joined the line, wondering how pre-boarding works when the whole plane of passengers are already vying to be at the front of the line.

I get to the front, the attendant looks at my ticket then after some awkward back and forward eventually I realised they were telling me I'll have to wait till everyone has boarded to get the sky-chair on. I should have come to the desk when pre boarding was announced. I pointed that I was sitting right in front of them... Apparently they were called my name 3 times over the loudspeaker.

Apparently airports can only comprehend one disability at a time (if that!) they knew I was hard of hearing (it's on my ticket) but still thought calling me over the PA was the best way to get the attention of the deaf person sitting 80cm from their desk.

So I sat back down and waited for the line to clear, then I got back up when there were 2 people in line, and after another back and forward I learned that they had tried calling my name again about halfway through boarding because they only had one skychair and it was now or never because the chair had told fly with the other passenger because their arrival airport didn't have a chair, or something, I dunno, anyway I kind of had to crawl down the ailse to get to my chair because in the past I've just used the backs of chairs to swing myself along, but the plane was full so I couldn't do that.

[-] DillyDaily@lemmy.world 31 points 2 months ago

This is why they are also tell you the license plate number.

I don't need to know what a Honda Whatever looks like to know that if the licence plate and my app both say "ABC123", that's my uber.

My uber is a white Toyota camry? So helpful, there definitely aren't 7 of them parked outside the club each waiting for their uber rider and or kidnap victim.

[-] DillyDaily@lemmy.world 44 points 2 months ago

I'm certain you understand, you are intoxicated, departing from the entertainment establishment before it closes, and you are responsible so you take it's upon yourself to secure safe, sober transport home. The application you use to order the ride informs you that your designated driver will arrive in a "Kia Chevy Juke". Despite being absolutely incapable of clear thought, you, or another member of your party is trying very hard to ensure you all enter the correct vehicle to avoid potential danger from nefarious individuals. Also, you have chosen to partake in this activity in a cold time of year, and as it is 4 o'clock in the morning, you are all quite cold.

[-] DillyDaily@lemmy.world 28 points 2 months ago

I think you're missing the point of the comic. Time is progressing for both women, and the people talking to them in the comments have questions based on where that woman is in her life and development.

While both women are in the same stage of life, the questions being asked are not the same questions.

The people asking que to the the woman of colour are brining a bucket load of presumptions to the conversation.

The comic is pointing out how racial prejudice or even innocent assumptions are forms of microagressions, as the questions asked to the white woman are mostly purely information gathering, where as the questions towards the black woman first require her to correct a misconception before she can even answer the question.

[-] DillyDaily@lemmy.world 52 points 3 months ago

The fact that all of this is beauty was formed through completely random powers of haplenstance is far more impressive to me than someone's imaginary friend creating it.

[-] DillyDaily@lemmy.world 43 points 4 months ago

A slide deck is the analogue version of a PowerPoint.

The deck is the rotating ring that you drop your slides into, then project them on the wall with what is essentially just an overhead projector designed to take small vertical slides of film loaded into the deck, instead of just using transparent sheets.

You'd design all your little film slides, arrange them in order in the deck (think, deck of cards). The deck is what let you automatically swap between slides by pressing the remote to rotate the deck and reveal the next slide to the projector lens.

I'm 32 but my school was broke as fuck so we were still using overheads and slide decks in 2005.

[-] DillyDaily@lemmy.world 35 points 6 months ago

If you had kids in the household, you got more eggs on your ration cards, same with milk when it became rationed. Housewives would find ways to combine the entire households rations to feel like more for everyone. One egg and a rasher of bacon per person doesn't fill anyone, but if you have a family of 4, suddenly four eggs and 4 rashers of bacon, in a potato bake/ flour stretched quiche is a filling meal, and you might get 6-8 serves from those 4 peoples rations.

[-] DillyDaily@lemmy.world 30 points 8 months ago

Yes, but only for the snakes.

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