Then allow me one suggestion : children of the sun It's a stretch from the fps guidelibes as you mainly control de bullet. Add in some stealth and odd elements and you have something might be worth a try. And it's on sale at the moment. The graphical style is something that you either like or don't. Could make or break the game for some
joined 2 years ago
I'm here for suggestions. Been using a xiaomi for a year but getting the thing configured on the go is a freaking pain.
Blood for Blood - wasted youth crew
At moment : price and steamdeck compatibility.
Mainly rogue-lites, fps and plateformers as of late.
Figuring out northstar to get some titanfall2 going :)
Having a blast on tmnt and midnight fight express.
I've just got sifu from egs and will probably get either dreadhunter or windblown somewhere down the line. Along with regular runs on Dead Cells that I'm deeply addicted to.