[-] Ddubz@lemmy.world 5 points 1 year ago

Only if you sincerely think that punching down at overweight Americans eating Debbie Cakes is an accurate criticism of anything worthwhile.

Try listening to Sturgil Simpson Turtles all the Way Down instead. Or Holy Shit by Father John Misty.

Or if you just want to listen to newer bluegrass and country/western that isn't astroturfed by wealthy capitalists or white nationalist influencers, you can check out Tyler Childers - the entire album Ballad of Janita and the Dood is a masterpiece. Michael Davies is also an incredible musician and vocalist that "Oliver Anthony" could never be.

[-] Ddubz@lemmy.world 8 points 1 year ago

What is really sad though, is a not insignificant amount of the people who should read this can't read above a sixth grade level and would need to spend an hour with a dictionary to comprehend it.

Insert King of the Hill "if those kids could read" meme here.

[-] Ddubz@lemmy.world 7 points 1 year ago

While I totally agree with you, this meme isn't referring to college text books. It's referring to school supplies and clothes for elementary school children.

The vast majority of public schools in the US are severely underfunded and don't have enough supplies like markers, disinfectant, crayons, pencils, etc to provide kids and teachers don't make very much money, yet they often come out of pocket to buy supplies. What has happened as a result, is parents have to purchase many of these supplies to send to school with their kids for the whole classroom to have the items they need. I have three kids in kindergarten and second grade. Their school supply lists were about $150 each. With creative shopping for sales, we managed to get everything about $150 cheaper than listed. We are waiting for the tax-free weekend to buy clothes for all of them.

Gotta love the good ol' US of A and it's hatred of the poors.

[-] Ddubz@lemmy.world 5 points 1 year ago

People in the Reddit top decided that they would run places again off-schedule. Best guess is someone thought that it would be good marketing for the coming IPO to show that Reddit is still functional with lively communities.

Any idiot could have seen what would actually happen coming a mile away. The only people who participated in r/place before are people who are now completely anti-reddit at the most and royally pissed at the admins at the least.

[-] Ddubz@lemmy.world 7 points 1 year ago

Exactly. LinkedIn jobs is incredibly useful. I have also found it useful for helping friends and colleagues find new jobs or make career switches because of the connections I have. I only maintain work connections through LinkedIn as I don't use Facebook, Instagram, etc.

Absolutely, ignore the post feed. It's just capitalist boot fucking. A bunch of fucking losers with made up bullshit in their titles trying to be leadership influencers.

I sincerely vouch for the jobs function, though.

[-] Ddubz@lemmy.world 7 points 1 year ago

Still kicking but...somehow not the same. It's something I can't quite explain. There's just something different about it now. I had to look something up on Reddit a couple of days ago. It was the first time I'd been back since they killed all the third party apps. It reminded me of going back to a city I used to live but my friends were all gone and my favorite places to go had changed. So, while it was the same place, and there were plenty of people around, it seemed exhausted and forced.

[-] Ddubz@lemmy.world 6 points 1 year ago

Sure, but how else is Elmo going to keep Amazon and Google from suing him for nonpayment? Geez man, use your noodle.

[-] Ddubz@lemmy.world 7 points 1 year ago

Yep. OP is a mega douchenozzle but sorting by new does in fact show a lot of porn. I simply have anything marked as nsfw not show the thumbnail. Problem solved.

[-] Ddubz@lemmy.world 9 points 1 year ago

The guy that is one of the main creators of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, made Bluesky. It's a Twitter alternative that I believe is still invite only. It's funny, when Bluesky officially started allowing people to use it, Twitter was abuzz with excitement and people posting memes about begging for access. Those select few that did get in early were going on and on about how awesome it is and how it was like old Twitter.

Then Threads drops without the invite barrier automatically adding everyone with an Instagram account and I haven't heard a fuckin peep about Bluesky in weeks.

[-] Ddubz@lemmy.world 6 points 1 year ago

Agreed and I'm a rural American who lives in a proverbial transit desert. Surrounded by multiple major cities with fully integrated public transit, so this whole idea behind "oh once the cities get it so will the rural areas" is total bullshit. Hell, I even live on a commuter train line and the fucking thing doesn't run on the weekends and only goes north to south, it doesn't connect to any major urban center to the east. So, if you have to work that way, you have to drive. There's no bus, no tram, no train, only massive stretches of interstates. Our state got a massive transportation grant and instead of begging the state to bring the commuter line to at least the next city over, the county had them build fucking park and rides - just giant parking lots in the middle of nowhere where you can, in theory, catch a bus that will take twice as long to get you to your destination than driving.

I've attended the state's annual transportation public meetings every year for the last six years. They send a delegation to each county to discuss budgets and county needs. Every year. Every goddamn year our county begs the state to increase the commuter rail availability and every year they lie and say they're working on a plan then turn around and expand the highways and try to sell the local political apparatus on fucking toll roads.

[-] Ddubz@lemmy.world 7 points 1 year ago

Really no idea why that timeline. In 2010 I got an email from whatever ISP I was using at the time politely asking me to stop torrenting music. They basically said, hey we see you're doing this, please stop or you can't have internet through us anymore. That is when I learned what vpns and tor browser's are for.

Seems absolutely bonkers that any corporation would be digging back that far for media pirates. Absolute waste of time.

[-] Ddubz@lemmy.world 9 points 1 year ago

Make it five. I nuked 12, 8, and 5 year old accounts. In all three I had comments that used to be linked in Google search results. I put up with a lot from Reddit admin over the years, but it just simply wasn't worth it anymore, and fuck them, they're not gonna reap the benefits from Google traffic on my old accounts. I scrubbed and deleted my Twitter account a couple days ago as well. I'm sick and tired of these rich, stupid clownshoes ruining everything. This fediverse stuff is legit. I'm genuinely invested in seeing decentralized social media succeed.

Sure, Reddit and Twitter aren't going to collapse because some power users killed their accounts, but Lemmy and Mastadon can grow and show that what they're doing works if myself and others are making an effort to participate.

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