[-] DataBlade@lemm.ee 3 points 1 month ago

I've been hearing good things about the new game being developed by the original creator on Settlers 2 &. 3. He's released "pioneers of pagonia" as early access on Steam.

[-] DataBlade@lemm.ee 15 points 10 months ago

The loch mess monster coin is worth $3.50

[-] DataBlade@lemm.ee 76 points 10 months ago

Today's online communities are not like this. They are trapped inside apps and platforms, where they do not have independence or control anything of value.

That's hilarious, when they literally just trapped users in their app and killed 3rd party apps.


This is a balanced review of the gen 1 hardware, covering its strengths and pain points in terms of hardware, ecosystem, and community.

He summarises well at the end whether you should buy one or not. This release is great for developers, but more casual users may want to wait for gen 2.

[-] DataBlade@lemm.ee 5 points 11 months ago

This has been my main issue with liftoff so far. Not knowing which account I am up voting, or commenting as.


joined 1 year ago