I like their logo of a dude thinking really hard on the shitter, very philosophy.
That's a cool board. I've been thinking about something in similar form factor, kind of missing old slide phones with physical keyboards. The idea of building out little mesh devices for a local emergency network is quite interesting. Maybe with a few supernode base stations built around RasPis to act as data-storage/relays/service-providers...
2 on the outside, 8 on the inside, all day, every day
This is just an ad for subway
They keep saying "study" but this isn't a study, it's a math paper. This is a "model." The "model" shows this and that and those things, not "the study" of which there wasn't.
And what the "model" shows is that instead of invisible mass we can't see causing gravity, it could be alternating layers of invisible positive and negative mass.
There's even less evidence for negative mass being possible than for many dark matter candidates that "only" have to be massive and non-interacting (or weakly) with photons. It's always cool to kick around some new possibilities but this seems pretty weak. Negative mass opens up a big old can of worm(holes) too.
It's because they ruined Linux! Damn Linux users!
When Never Forgetting isn't enough, catch them in 9K111
Most people have the media literacy of cabbage and wouldn't know a good story if it slapped them in the face with a huge pair of anime tits.
I'm light-years past caring what anons have to say about anything culture related.
I've absolutely driven past a cop who was playing WoW on his laptop while sitting in traffic.
Who's that supposed to be? Must not get up to the Cloud District very often!