I consume enough "Depressing reality" Via Twitter topics and from the news/articles. I don't want this leaking into Lemmy also.

Also it does me 0 Good to constantly remind myself of all the dead fuckin babies In Hamas. There is NOTHING I can do to fix, help, save, or improve such an issue All is does is make me depressed and Spiral into existentialism. As horrible as it sounds I would much rather feign ignorance for most of it. All I need to know is Who is helping to stop the war and who isnt.

Yes. Im not doing it out of pure rudeness, It's all towards people who either openly will share Pedophilic/Animal abuse content or people that will mock/turn school shootings into some kind of conspiracy theory. Those people fucking sicken me.

S'all good at this point I mostly expect people to ask/say such things

whacha mean order around???

This is all your fucking fault. You sick bitch. Hope you sleep good knowing your words likely affected someone else enough to kill themselves

I did that already, It just gave me death.

dunno. Cant think of any.

Just use Revanced. Lmfao. Been using it since highschool (4 years ago) fucking amazing. Practically Emulates Youtube premium

Anytime I have to tell/explain to someone that I'm asexual/Sex repulsed.

"Oh damn, thats sad, were you raped or something?" is the typical response I fucking get.

Still not enough blue...


I've noticed something interesting that I cant get an answer to online. Whenever I leave out watermelon in my house (After eating it of course. I cut slices from the melon so what gets left behind is the rind), it attracts lots of gnats and flies without failure. After cutting and eating a Yellow Watermelon for the first time and then leaving it out, There wasn't a single fly that cared for it, it was never swarmed or landed on or fed upon. it just sat there for a day or so before I finally threw it out.

Why is this?? Repeating this same scenario always gives me the same output. The flies aren't attracted to the Yellow Melon, Why?


I write this with sadness knowing Alex Risen, Predator Poachers, Is a piece of shit racist asshole with no real morals and is using the "Ima pedo hunter" as a reason to just spew stupid shit no one cares about. I genuinely did not know this when I first got into his channel, and I was holding out hope that "Maybe he's changed?"

Nope... Still being a complete manchild on Twitter. I don't really have issues with white people saying the n-word (it fr depends ima be real), but it's clear to me this guy has 0 understanding of black culture. For me- you have to actually understand black culture, black people and have a sense of respect for them to even fathom sucha word. But if you're just an asshole who spews garbage for the hell of it and uses baby diddlers as a means to gain popularity??? No. Go to jail. (please don't shoot me for this opinion, I'm black myself, idgaf if my friends say it, there's a time and place, and I don't really let the soft-A control how I feel at all. In the case of Alex Rosen, it's not offensive to me; it's just disrespectful as hell.)

Ima delete my account from this website... The fact the CEO uses people's emails to bitch and moan about dumb shit like this is- wow... Not sure what I was expecting but wow. Im just Disappointed


Ima start- I have an interest in both kidcore and Lolita ~(NOT THE BOOK, ITS A JAPANESE FASHION TREND)~ Fashion. I always wanted to combine the two to get this pastel, simple but kiddish style. Lots of baby blues and pinks, A whole lot of overalls and pig tails. Just cutesy and innocent :D It's like Kidcore but minus the Lego brick color themes. I'd probably call it uhhhh... I think Teenybopper would be cute!

(Please refrain from insulting me in the comments thank you- I'm hella slow and sometimes may not choose the right words when typing. Thank you ^w^)


I'm scouting for jobs I'd actually enjoy working at as opposed to just "getting a job cus I should get a job". I'm 20 btw, not independent yet, but I'd still like to have a job ya know? The only Job I know of that is mega lax with their dress codes are (i think) Hot Topic and Spencer's. Do you guys have any other places that are similar? I'd like to be able to express my Alt-fashion choices :D

(Please dont be rude or mean in the comments, thank you!)


Rumble us so goofy ISTG. I only use it because of Predator Poachers. But I tend to forget its an alt-right platform


I need headphones that only an audiophile would love. I practically LIVE in my headphones and almost never take em off. I also dont wanna spend heaping tons of money on em tho ;w; maybe a budget of like- 100-200 I guess... I dunno what do yall recommend?

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joined 2 months ago