[-] Coasting0942@reddthat.com 1 points 4 hours ago

Everybody has a browser that runs JS. Only 13k has to be transmitted via floppy disk

[-] Coasting0942@reddthat.com 22 points 4 hours ago

Instead of actually storing images, sound files, maps, etc, whole program relies on algorithms computed at runtime. Level generated automatically, sound follows a set math pattern with randomization, etc etc

Benefits of less file size but more processor requirements

[-] Coasting0942@reddthat.com 16 points 15 hours ago

Hitler wouldn’t be so romanticized if he had a shitter account. Probably plenty of juicy quotes his advisors/confidants decided to not write down and broadcast.

[-] Coasting0942@reddthat.com 7 points 1 day ago

Won’t somebody think of the multi colored econo-wives???

[-] Coasting0942@reddthat.com 5 points 1 day ago

The Emperor has extended you an invitation to journey to Terra on a black ship Harry.

Oh boy, I’m going to be a sanctioned psyker!

[-] Coasting0942@reddthat.com 9 points 3 days ago

Why not now?

[-] Coasting0942@reddthat.com 5 points 3 days ago

They had good salesmen at the start, and not enough market data to show they were bullshit, person in charge of paying wasn’t hired as an environmental officer but is just the niece back from cocaine rehab

[-] Coasting0942@reddthat.com 37 points 4 days ago

Paradigm shift is a bitch

[-] Coasting0942@reddthat.com 29 points 5 days ago

Not an expert but I don’t think it’s as simple as “fastest swimmer”.

[-] Coasting0942@reddthat.com 34 points 5 days ago

It’s a nice meme but their population is turning geriatric, and they’re literally unable to pass any policies to make the birth rate go up.


“Light, as I’m sure you know, is a membrane phenomenon on the surface of time”

Leviathan Falls James S. A. Corey

I don’t know what this means. For context, the side character explains it’s what allows the gate builders to act as a hive mind even though there is time delay in the speed of light.

Your best Saint Patrick Day scene? (vignette.wikia.nocookie.net)
submitted 2 months ago by Coasting0942@reddthat.com to c/iasip@lemmy.ml

"I can change almost anything... but I can't change human nature."


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