[-] CascadianGiraffe@lemmy.world 13 points 1 week ago

General Discharge is the name of my cover band. It's mostly big brass covers of Sex Pistols songs.

[-] CascadianGiraffe@lemmy.world 9 points 4 months ago

Almost 3 years after quiting a heavy 26 years habit. I quit cold turkey.

Currently being forced to move having no income and no social circle and family is distant.

Super proud I haven't broken yet. I want one ALL THE DAMN TIME.

I use physical exercise to help me get through my cravings.

[-] CascadianGiraffe@lemmy.world 10 points 4 months ago

As someone who also has to argue about how wrong everyone else is...

I always tell them to imagine the iconic 'slipping on a banana peel' joke. Sometimes I make them draw it.

If you peel from the stem, it would never look like that. We have so many references that I challenge anyone to show me any media from any time period that shows the banana opened from the stem.

People learn the stem way as children because it's easier with limited motor skills and just never give it up.

[-] CascadianGiraffe@lemmy.world 10 points 5 months ago

A crack or chip in the porcelain. When they finally give way, they can be dramatic about it. It's not uncommon at all and can happen while not in use. Temperature changes can trigger it as well.

Always replace a chipped or cracked toilet ASAP. Not worth the risk of mess or injury.

[-] CascadianGiraffe@lemmy.world 12 points 6 months ago

Can I pick where they put my extra finger?

[-] CascadianGiraffe@lemmy.world 16 points 6 months ago

Imagine being unemployed and looking for work.

I have to answer every call.

Every call is spam. The number of calls I get has increased tenfold.

I'm certain that some of these jobs and recruitment sites aren't actually hiring for anything. They are just collecting and selling my data.

[-] CascadianGiraffe@lemmy.world 10 points 7 months ago

To prepare you for the future when the police stop you and ask to see your Disney papers.

After all if you don't exist to Disney, you don't really exist at all.

[-] CascadianGiraffe@lemmy.world 8 points 7 months ago

Had a good doctor who told me you can't "try to quit". You can't "cut back". You can't quit for other people or before you are ready. But once you are... he said every successful quitter he helped, quit cold turkey. You have to stop 100% or you won't stop. He offered meds to help with the emotional and physical side effects. I declined.

I was a smoker for 20+ years, many of those I was well over a pack a day and I worked in a smoking bar for over a decade. It's probably too late for me is what I thought, BUT I DID IT.

Quit 2 and a half years ago. It hasn't gotten any easier yet. I still want to smoke daily. But I haven't had a single puff. I still hang out with friends that smoke but I did change my normal environment. (Quit while I was moving to make breaking associated habits easier.)

The things I found most helpful when the craving kicks in... Exercise was the best. HARD physical labor. Also sleeping and eating. Luckily I was in decent shape already so eating a bit more often wasn't a huge deal. The tons of extra exercise just burned it off or helped build up some muscle mass I didn't know was possible.

[-] CascadianGiraffe@lemmy.world 12 points 7 months ago

Many of us also use 'Cascadia', in reference to the mountains we reside in and around.

[-] CascadianGiraffe@lemmy.world 15 points 7 months ago

I commute via boat. My standard is instant oatmeal w/ dried fruit in a mason jar with lid and a coozie.

I buy the oatmeal and dried fruit in bulk and prep a weeks worth at a time. The whole process takes less than 5 mins. While I'm getting ready for work I boil water and then pour it in just before leaving. By the time I load up on the boat it's cool enough to eat.

[-] CascadianGiraffe@lemmy.world 9 points 8 months ago

If you remove a rib, you won't need a condom anymore.

[-] CascadianGiraffe@lemmy.world 11 points 8 months ago

but I am NOT social.

Said to another human while using a service that is designed for social interaction.

You might be awkward in public but you're still human.

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