[-] CaptObvious@literature.cafe 1 points 1 hour ago

There isn't much evidence that the oligarchs have any influence.

As someone who lived through it, Mutual Assured Destruction was an insane policy in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. It may have been the only one available, but it was insane. It's no better now.

[-] CaptObvious@literature.cafe 1 points 1 hour ago

Why do you say that? They have a much larger land mass and more spread out population, which seems to argue that they are in a more survivable position.

[-] CaptObvious@literature.cafe 1 points 3 hours ago

I guess they have to drag it out for diplomatic reasons, but the High Court has set a condition that the US cannot satisfy: The State Department nor the Department of Justice can guarantee that he would be granted First Amendment rights. It’s established precedent in US law that constitutional rights only apply to citizens. Judicial independence prevents them enforcing any agreement to the contrary.

[-] CaptObvious@literature.cafe -2 points 3 hours ago

Russia doesn’t have to open a new front. Nukes on Berlin, Paris, and Washington would do it.

[-] CaptObvious@literature.cafe 1 points 3 hours ago

Marathon and Mass Effect 2

[-] CaptObvious@literature.cafe 21 points 1 day ago

So police are taking a page from their American counterparts?

[-] CaptObvious@literature.cafe 3 points 1 day ago

When I was a kid (1970s & 80s US), openly wearing religious symbols to school was a little weird, but it wasn’t against the rules. They were just another piece of jewelry or clothing. It amazes me that a reasonable and evenly applied dress code needs a ruling from a human rights court.

[-] CaptObvious@literature.cafe 2 points 2 days ago

Banning state owned “news” outlets makes sense. Banning legitimate journalists doesn’t.

[-] CaptObvious@literature.cafe 2 points 2 days ago

Is the sentence life or 45 years?

[-] CaptObvious@literature.cafe 2 points 2 days ago

Talk is cheap. Until we see action, nothing has changed.

[-] CaptObvious@literature.cafe 3 points 2 days ago

I don’t know the details of gaming studio or Microsoft operations, so thanks for this.

There is one point where I have to disagree, though; MS has plenty of experience hiring for any position anywhere on the planet. It doesn’t seem plausible that lack of familiarity with the talent market is the likely reason.

[-] CaptObvious@literature.cafe 6 points 2 days ago

Were the closed studios about to unionize or something?

Student Mental Health Webinars (hawkeslearning.lpages.co)

Is anyone else genuinely not interested in knowing what should be private details of another adult's health? I'm happy to point students to helpful resources that I know about, but treating them is not my job, nor am I interested in the liability of being seen as some sort of first responder. This is well and truly out of my wheelhouse, and I work to keep it that way.

Dell Data Breach (literature.cafe)
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by CaptObvious@literature.cafe to c/technology@beehaw.org

Has anyone else received an email from Dell about a data breach? I’ve gotten three messages just today. What’s going on?

Dell Technologies takes the privacy and confidentiality of your information seriously. We are currently investigating an incident involving a Dell portal, which contains a database with limited types of customer information related to purchases from Dell. We believe there is not a significant risk to our customers given the type of information involved. 

What data was accessed?
At this time, our investigation indicates limited types of customer information was accessed, including: 

  • Name 
  • Physical address 
  • Dell hardware and order information, including service tag, item description, date of order and related warranty information 

The information involved does not include financial or payment information, email address, telephone number or any highly sensitive customer information. 

**What is Dell doing? **
Upon identifying the incident, we promptly implemented our incident response procedures, began investigating, took steps to contain the incident and notified law enforcement. We have also engaged a third-party forensics firm to investigate this incident. We will continue to monitor the situation. 

**What can I do? **
Our investigation indicates your information was accessed during this incident, but we do not believe there is significant risk given the limited information impacted. However, you should always keep in mind these tips to help avoid tech support phone scams. If you notice any suspicious activity related to your Dell accounts or purchases, please immediately report concerns to security@dell.com.


Now that the end is in sight, how's it going?


What is it with Nike and sexualized athletic uniforms these days (see MBA see-through pants)? Did PornHub invest without anyone noticing?

Apple Planning to Kill PWAs (open-web-advocacy.org)

Gabe, please remove this if it doesn't belong here.

The instance of my Mastodon account has chosen to federate with Facebook. This wigs me out, so I'm looking to migrate. Do y'all have any suggestions?


Have they given up already? I haven’t seen the popup in a couple of days (touch wood). For a few weeks, it showed up every time I used a logged in account and made the service unusable.

Maybe I’ve just stopped trying to watch monetized videos.



What do you all think of the College Board’s AP program?

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by CaptObvious@literature.cafe to c/professors@lemmy.ml

In another thread, @flooppoolf@lemmy.world made a post leading to the question "How long until we need to include a lesson on crafting appropriate AI prompts in order to help students use them as tools and not as unpaid ghost writers?" Are we already doing this?

I definitely discuss acceptable use and try to keep the guidelines brief and familiar (Treat it like a not-too-bright friend who's a patient sounding board). But how far do you all think we'll eventually have to wade into the weeds on this?

Cheating with AI (literature.cafe)

I know that we're all still feeling our way around this issue, but how are other profs handling it? What is good evidence of unauthorized AI use? How do you handle a student who refuses to engage in attempts to get their side of the story?

For my classes, we talk once a month or so about acceptable use (treat it like a not-very-bright friend who's overconfident and prone to hallucinations). It's okay to brainstorm, bounce ideas, and generally use AI to spark creative problem solving. It's not okay to have it do your assignments.

Student BO (literature.cafe)
submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by CaptObvious@literature.cafe to c/professors@lemmy.ml

This fall, I have a student who seems unfamiliar with showering and deodorant. I haven't said anything, hoping that the issue is just a one-off and that it will resolve itself. However, we're quickly approaching the end of my patience, and I'm not sure how to proceed.

Everyone has a deodorant malfunction from time to time. Obviously, no one is going to be personally identified, even in a private email. My best idea so far is a general class announcement via the LMS that it's been brought to my attention that we may have a problem and for everyone to please double check their hygiene before coming to class.

Have any of you all ever had to deal with this? Any suggestions?

Portable Keyboard? (literature.cafe)

If this isn't the right place for user questions, please just let me know.

My laptop's keyboard has begun having issues in the last few months. I think one of the keys has a broken spring and it's interfering with a half dozen others. Replacing the keyboard on this particular model involves stripping it to the chassis, which I prefer not to do.

Since the computer lives in my backpack and goes to class while teaching (I prefer my own device rather than the uni-issued 10-year-old laptop), I'm thinking of picking up a small portable keyboard to use when the builtin acts up. Do any of you guys have suggestions for a good model?

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