[-] Bonskreeskreeskree@lemmy.world -3 points 2 hours ago

What has this ruling done to victimize any of us so far? How is trying to overturn an election an "official" act of the president? I'm not rolling over. I'm pointing out your solution is fucking stupid and not a solution.

[-] Bonskreeskreeskree@lemmy.world -2 points 3 hours ago

All you idiots keep preaching two wrongs making a right. Biden doing this shit would just empower the next republican to do the same. Sliding into tyranny is not ok just cause your side is doing it against the side you don't like.

[-] Bonskreeskreeskree@lemmy.world 49 points 4 months ago

Because corporate profits have gone unchecked for far too long and Wallstreet is sprinting us towards home ownership only being accessible to companies they own and all Americans are renters.

[-] Bonskreeskreeskree@lemmy.world 67 points 5 months ago

Bernie would have whooped trump in 2016. Shame the dnc decided to change the rules the day of to avoid a split ticket or God forbid, supporting the actually viable candidate.

[-] Bonskreeskreeskree@lemmy.world 67 points 5 months ago

If you need any evidence that both sides are fully capable of cooperating to pass legislation and that their animosity towards each other is theater, look no further than the bills they quickly push through together with little to no opposition.

[-] Bonskreeskreeskree@lemmy.world 59 points 6 months ago

Potty mouth language is ViLe wEstErn bEhavIor, meanwhile UAE has slaves and treats women as 2nd class citizens.

[-] Bonskreeskreeskree@lemmy.world 77 points 6 months ago

If the product is already on the car it is scummy as fuck to charge a subscription, the end. The higher price of high end vehicles is justified by the cost of adding those features to the vehicle. If they're already there and off, you're getting ripped off

[-] Bonskreeskreeskree@lemmy.world 39 points 7 months ago

Most people don't even know how many music venues the monopoly has acquired over the past 20 years

[-] Bonskreeskreeskree@lemmy.world 103 points 9 months ago

I'm so sick of this complacency with the idea of paying into social security your whole life to fund the boomer retirees just to have it taken from us as one final fuck you. The vocalized consensus among everyone needs to be its not getting taken from us, if anything it will be fixed and made more robust and any politician that acts to remove it from us will have their heads removed from their bodies.

[-] Bonskreeskreeskree@lemmy.world 41 points 9 months ago

I remember when biden told the striking rail workers they could get fucked and go to prison. What was that, last year?

[-] Bonskreeskreeskree@lemmy.world 68 points 10 months ago

Sounds like your buffet should plan for more crab legs to be made each time

[-] Bonskreeskreeskree@lemmy.world 62 points 10 months ago

Articles like these are better served split up between metro city areas, burbs and rural. Vastly different numbers that are otherwise hidden by averages. 50k ain't getting you shit inside atlanta and most of the burbs. If you wanna live 2 hours out in the sticks? Sure, maybe

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