[-] BlitzoTheOisSilent@lemmy.world 47 points 2 weeks ago

Years ago there was a profile on PoF that would hit me up every couple of months asking if they could castrate me. (I'm a trans woman)

It was weird, they weren't pushy or aggressive, more just, "Hey, you don't want them, right? Seems like a win win." Sometimes I'd play along and ask questions and stuff, but they wouldn't say much, and never actually made any effort to meet up.

I haven't thought about them in years, hahaha, but seeing your question brought it all back.

[-] BlitzoTheOisSilent@lemmy.world 21 points 2 months ago

My doggo will normally follow verbal commands for sit/down/shake without much issue. But sometimes he gets too excited or obstinate and doesn't want to do it even if I've said so a few times. At some point, I inadvertently taught him that me putting my hand(s) on my hip(s) is the "Ok, we're not moving on until you listen" gesture.

I make him sit before he eats, and if he isn't sitting, I'll just put my hand on my hip and he immediately plants his ass against the floor, tail wagging. He also knows the question, "Are you begging?" if he's too close to someone eating, and he'll put his head down and slowly skulk away for 5 minutes before sneakily returning to his previous position, hoping for scraps. 😆

[-] BlitzoTheOisSilent@lemmy.world 30 points 2 months ago

Well that may explain an interaction between a possum and my sisters dog a few years ago. When I lived with my sister I'd take their mastiff out on her leash and walk her around their property while I had a smoke. We'd do this all times of day and night.

I'd drop the leash if we were in the backyard since it was fenced on two sides and only one gate to get into the front, which I could keep an eye on while she explored. One night, it had to have been about midnight, she was obsessed with this one spot in the tall grass, like, would not leave this spot. So after about five minutes I went to grab her, and she's fighting me, nose buried in this spot. I finally turn my flashlight on and walk over, and there's a possum curled up in the tall grass. And she's licking it...

I pull her away, since, I'm sure dogs shouldn't be licking wild animals, especially ones that are dead, right? Like, only a dead possum would let another animal lick it, right? Wrong. As I'm looking at it to make sure she didn't lick up any maggots or was eating any rotten meat, it turned it's head towards me, eyes squinting, like, "Do you mind? I was having the most wonderful dream of a bath." It wasn't playing possum, I've seen them do that, it was literally just curled up in grass, sleeping, while a dog 6X its size was licking it head to toe.

[-] BlitzoTheOisSilent@lemmy.world 128 points 2 months ago

MLK Jr. literally wrote about this exact same thing in his Letter from Birmingham jail.

that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Councilor or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: ‘I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action’; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a ‘more convenient season.’ ”

[-] BlitzoTheOisSilent@lemmy.world 16 points 2 months ago

I mean, that's literally what Amazon does. Anyone remember diapers.com? Amazon lowered their prices on diapers, losing at least $200 million, to stop diapers.com's growth. When the business started losing money, Amazon bought them, and then shut them down.

Then immediately raised their prices on diapers. I fucking hate Amazon, like, literally refuse to purchase anything from them. I'd rather pay 3 times the price then give Amazon a penny for literally anything.

They're already implementing automation and robots into their warehouses, once one of their engineers making six figures (compared to Bezos's billions) comes up with a way to automate delivery, you can bet your ass and mine they'll drop all of their subcontracting delivery companies with zero notice or fucks given. I'm amazed they haven't gone after chewy.com or barkbox, but maybe they are.

I remember back in like 2015-2017, when I finally swore off Amazon, I posted on Reddit asking what other shopping sites people recommended that weren't Amazon, and was downvoted and chastised for even asking because not wanting to suck Amazon's Dick-of-Convenience wasn't comprehendible, and look where that fucking got us.

Sorry, this is a long response to your comment, and that's the end of my rant, but just... Fuck Amazon, to the moon and back... Twice.

[-] BlitzoTheOisSilent@lemmy.world 23 points 2 months ago

Was in an AP English class, and we were given a book on AP format for writing essays and such (think proper way to cite sources, alphabetize authors, other grammatical and formatting rules, etc). The class was given an example handout and told to group up into fours and go over the handout, finding mistakes and such based on the book previously mentioned.

When we went over it as a class, every group found basically every mistake except one. Every group missed this one mistake, and none of us flagged it because the book we were supposed to base all of this off of stated that it, in fact, was not a mistake. Since it was a graded assignment, we started debating with the teacher that since everyone didn't flag it, and the book we were given said it was actually correct, we shouldn't be penalized for it.

The teacher, however, refused, stating that it was incorrect based on AP formatting standards. Students even showed her, in the book we were given, where it said that the "mistake" was in fact correct. She refused to budge, and arguing continued.

The discussion ended when she (the teacher) finally said, "I'm the only one in this room with a Master's degree in English, you got it wrong, I'm not hearing further debate on this," and took the points off from all of us.

Same thing happened with a math teacher (who was an absolute piece of shit, literally everyone including the staff hated him, but that's for another time). Everyone got a problem wrong, and when he went over it, several students pointed out the answer we all got was correct based on how we were initially shown how to solve the problem. He pulled the same "I'm the only one here with a degree in mathematics, so none of you are getting the points for it because you're just wrong."

Several students went to other math teachers and showed it to them, who in turn went to the piece of shit and not only pointed out that he was wrong, but the head of the math department was basically demanding either the points be restored or the question thrown out. The next class he went on a long spiel about how "after conversing with several of my other academic colleagues, it was brought to my attention it was a poorly designed question, and thus I will be removing it from all of the tests."

Just fucking admit when you're wrong, all you're teaching us with your fancy degrees is that you're a prick and to resent authority figures.

[-] BlitzoTheOisSilent@lemmy.world 13 points 3 months ago

Dohhh, I have three kids and no money. Why can't I have no kids and three money?!

[-] BlitzoTheOisSilent@lemmy.world 15 points 3 months ago

I do this with my dog, haha. Anytime I come home with anything (groceries, tools, etc) I have to take each item out and at least show it to my dog (usually let him sniff it if it's not food).

Like, "Oooooh, look, mom got a hammer! OOOOOH, a hammer!" and she's just sniffing and wagging away, hahaha

[-] BlitzoTheOisSilent@lemmy.world 22 points 3 months ago

Wouldn't be out of character for them.

See: The USS Liberty Incident

[-] BlitzoTheOisSilent@lemmy.world 22 points 3 months ago

When I was in, I had a shipmate who said there were basically three types of people who stayed in the military.

Group 1: Small percentage, but they literally loved it, loved what they did, just felt right in uniform.

Group 2: Those who wanted/needed the insurance, education benefits, etc for themselves or their loved ones/families.

Group 3: Those who had no other options, and were juuuuuuust competent enough to not be kicked out every enlistment.

[-] BlitzoTheOisSilent@lemmy.world 15 points 3 months ago

I created a Lemmy account just to answer this...

2,000+ years ago a historian wrote a poem and now your mail carrier has to risk life and limb to deliver mail in blizzards/hurricanes/etc.

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