[-] BlackEco@lemmy.blackeco.com 1 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

I own the prvke 21L: the camera cube is well designed, the roll top is very useful to increase the bag's capacity, I find it very confortable to carry but I gotta admit it's on the heavy side and I wished the higher compartment allowed for more organization (but I understand it would get in the way of the "Pro Camera Cube")

Edit: oops, I understood you were looking at the prvke 31L, not that you already own it, my bad!

[-] BlackEco@lemmy.blackeco.com 4 points 1 day ago

Famin is gutting the team one key manager at a time...

[-] BlackEco@lemmy.blackeco.com 11 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Not that surprising unfortunately :/

[-] BlackEco@lemmy.blackeco.com 4 points 3 days ago

Oh, why haven't I thought about this sooner?

[-] BlackEco@lemmy.blackeco.com 2 points 3 days ago

At least 4-5 years back, I want to test behaviors of WebKit circa iOS 13

[-] BlackEco@lemmy.blackeco.com 2 points 3 days ago

My main fear with building the binary is that it would eventually require old dependencies that I do not have on my system.

[-] BlackEco@lemmy.blackeco.com 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I'm not familiar with flatpak-builder, does it handle dependencies not available on the system?

[-] BlackEco@lemmy.blackeco.com 1 points 3 days ago

I know, but Flathub only offers versions built in 2024.

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by BlackEco@lemmy.blackeco.com to c/linux@programming.dev


I would like to test websites against old versions of WebKit (the engine powering Epiphany and Safari) and the obvious way to do it without needing a SaaS solution like Browserstack would be to install old versions of Epiphany.

My first idea was to look at Snap and Flapak (as that would prevent issues with mismatched dependencies) but neither offer any version other than the latest.

Does anybody have an idea?

[-] BlackEco@lemmy.blackeco.com 8 points 4 days ago

"Without mentioning names, there are teams which are struggling...struggling with performance, struggling even with management," said Ben Sulayem.

Is it just me or this reads Alpine?

[-] BlackEco@lemmy.blackeco.com 2 points 5 days ago

What I personally do is:

  1. Back up to the local server
  2. Sync the repository from the local server to Backblaze B2

This way restic only has to process the data once.

[-] BlackEco@lemmy.blackeco.com 4 points 5 days ago

I really like Readeck, it is very polished and the fact that it copies links content is very useful when saving Medium blog posts (and generally to make sure that I don't lose the content if the linked page is ever removed)

[-] BlackEco@lemmy.blackeco.com 16 points 6 days ago

Actually Google has been forced to offer choices on Android in the EU, but for existing devices the prompt only consists of a permanent notification that you can easily ignore: my partner has been ignoring it for the past month.

  • IBM is registered as a sales company in Brazil, making its employees ineligible for benefits granted to tech workers.
  • Workers in the state of Minas Gerais won a lawsuit against the company to be recognized as IT employees.
  • Galvanized by the successful lawsuit, workers in another state are following suit, opening the possibility for a flood of legal action against IBM.
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by BlackEco@lemmy.blackeco.com to c/react@programming.dev

I stumbled upon this project on GitHub and figured it might be of interest to some people here

DuckDB as the New jq (www.pgrs.net)

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.blackeco.com/post/500845

Hello all,

My company is looking into building a new app from scratch based on Next.js with a few modules on the side (batch jobs, utility services, etc.)

Our current monorepo has been started over 4 years ago with Yarn Classic + Lerna and I was wondering what is the current consensus for building a monorepo, considering that the landscape has evolved greatly since then (npm now supports workspaces, pnpm has gained in popularity, Yarn has been re-engineered and multiple build systems have been released)

I would greatly appreciate if you have some comparison between package managers and build systems you could link to.


Hello all,

My company is looking into building a new app from scratch based on Next.js with a few modules on the side (batch jobs, utility services, etc.)

Our current monorepo has been started over 4 years ago with Yarn Classic + Lerna and I was wondering what is the current consensus for building a monorepo, considering that the landscape has evolved greatly since then (npm now supports workspaces, pnpm has gained in popularity, Yarn has been re-engineered and multiple build systems have been released)

I would greatly appreciate if you have some comparison between package managers and build systems you could link to.

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