[-] BirdEnjoyer@kbin.social 17 points 1 month ago

Its because they ran into the loudest, most annoying vegans.

IDK how, maybe different areas have more militant vegans, or maybe they just roll with negative stereotypes and the algorithm bs that lets the worst folks float to the top of their media feeds.

I've actively sought out vegans because they have great advice on dietary restriction resources and as long as you're respectful of their choices, they've been consistently so willing to share.

And they also really love a good breakfast, in my experience, like the local vegan group has just pages of discussion on good vegan donut resources.

[-] BirdEnjoyer@kbin.social 18 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

My dog responds to swear words by doing the kinds stuff you see emotional support dogs do in videos- press on your chest, give you kisses, nuzzle your face, etc.

Except she's small, blind, and a bit... intense, so she kinda launches into you if you're sitting, with some intense affection.

IDK why. I guess we don't swear very often, ao when we do, its special, and we swear with enough gusto for her to think we're very, very upset.

[-] BirdEnjoyer@kbin.social 18 points 2 months ago

Lucky duck got Isekai'd by the gentlest truck-kun ever

[-] BirdEnjoyer@kbin.social 20 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I honestly do try to live by WWJD. Its a pretty legit way of thinking.

But the problem is, trying to give a chance to everybody tends to earn a lot of "tsk tsk" from many Christians around here.

[-] BirdEnjoyer@kbin.social 19 points 3 months ago

I mean, there is a completely legitimate argument to be made that the Mane Six are legitimate adventurers, worthy of D&D and all...

But even the most surface level interpretation is just too wholesome. Some characters just need a little happy, wholesome comfort in their life

[-] BirdEnjoyer@kbin.social 18 points 3 months ago

Well, here he's clearly using "Females" to be exclusive and offensive, demonstrating that the term does, in fact, have that potential, is my point.

It is kinda nice when trying to figure out other cultures' taboos, that you can get something as cut and dry as "this word or concept can show up in a news article when politicians misuse it."
Kinda intimidating, but also a useful frame of reference, because then there's post like yours which specify that its context-specific.

It can be really frustrating when you spend years tiptoeing around something, only to find out that the person you learned it from just had weird personal hangups or something.

[-] BirdEnjoyer@kbin.social 17 points 3 months ago

Bought Bitcoin or have tried to buy a shoebox of a house.

But I listened to all the "sensible" people and went for a graduate level program instead like an idiot, and then couldn't do anything with it for a litany of reasons. Just one family emergency or health problem after another.

The worst of all maybe could have been avoided if I hadn't been off at school in the first place. I don't regret college, but my education should have stopped there. I was finally an adult, but I still let everyone else dictate my life, right from the getgo.

Biggest regret of my life, right out of the gate.

[-] BirdEnjoyer@kbin.social 18 points 3 months ago

I would love if the neurodivergent communities were able to aggregate their comic posts, cross reference them by trait, then create a survey for a bunch of people to take.

I wanna actually see what percentage of Neurotypical/formally diagnosed/self identifying people of different common neurodivergent groups identify with said comics.

I hope someone hops in and tells me that this is totally a thing already.

[-] BirdEnjoyer@kbin.social 20 points 4 months ago

I choose to try not to pirate, and thus this kinda thing absolutely pisses me off because this is so disingenuous, because I dig into the nitty gritty of how to do all this stuff legit.

Randomizers alone make Nintendo games in particular so much more alive, and all but require the use of ripping software and quite often emulators.
These emulators can make even current titles look even more beautiful and play more smoothly than their native platform, too.

Yeah, people are going to pirate using this stuff, but its wrong to treating the tools themselves as being inherently bad. They are quite often used by people who care very much about these games, and do give fair financial support to Nintendo.

[-] BirdEnjoyer@kbin.social 20 points 4 months ago

I never got to play this character very long, but I had this idiot rich draconic bloodline Sorcerer whose parents had hidden the fact that they were a Tiefling from them.

As far as they knew, they were a half-orc with a skin condition, born when their father was shamed and banished, and their mother was swept off their feet by a gallant orc of the hinterlands. (lol, no, the parents are evil AF demon worshippers spawning teiflings into the bloodline, and they're too dumb to realize it. No hot orc babydaddy to speak of)

They cut off the tail and cauterized the horn buds really early, and basically the plan was to see if they discovered the Draconic Bloodline before or after getting hit by a strong enough healing spell to restore their demonic features.

They probably wouldn't be able to understand the idea that they could be both part demon and part dragon, and part Good aligned and part Evil aligned creature, to boot. Comedy gold in the right party.

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