[-] BigVault@kbin.social 28 points 6 months ago

Oh won’t somebody please think of the poor prince.

Reap what you sow, cunt.

[-] BigVault@kbin.social 25 points 6 months ago

Sadly I lost interest in the game once they decided to remove content I’d paid for.

Gutting to see the developers suffer like this as I doubt they’re the ones making the shit decisions but are the ones taking all the hits with the layoffs.

[-] BigVault@kbin.social 30 points 6 months ago

On top of all this, Apple also sell their own hardware alongside their own App Store, just like Sony and Nintendo do.

The Apple model is extremely similar to the way the console manufacturers operate albeit with a few more freedoms on Mac.

[-] BigVault@kbin.social 43 points 6 months ago

30% fees are insane. Those cost are passed down to us the consumer. We get shittier game because a third of the profit goes to these marketplaces.

Whilst that may be the case, every single day one launch on EGS and other stores (GOG, Microsoft, Steam) launch at exactly the same price on Epic despite the lesser cut. Not one single title I’ve seen launch at a lower price on EGS.

I feel it’s naive to think that is, the consumer would ever benefit from a lesser cut, the fat shits at the top would just keep more.

[-] BigVault@kbin.social 48 points 7 months ago

Currently using a Roku Streambar for all of our streaming needs but if they pull this crap, everything we consume will be downloaded, served on my Plex server and streamed using the gaming PC I have under our TV.

Getting beyond sick of these companies using every measure and device they can to shit ads into our eyes.

[-] BigVault@kbin.social 24 points 7 months ago

No real loss if it does die.

Why the fuck would advertisers want to pay to have their products advertised and inevitably associated with the shit on there?

[-] BigVault@kbin.social 25 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I love the fact that both my ublock origin & pihole detect and block absolutely no trackers when I’m on kbin (I’m sure the lemmy users are just as fortunate).

Another shit Reddit moment, I’ve not missed it at all.

[-] BigVault@kbin.social 45 points 9 months ago

I loved Google play music as a locker for my owned music and a a storefront to buy what I wanted. YouTube Music made me abandon it completely and move my owned music onto my plex server.

Why does Google have to ruin everything? Still bitter about Google Reader closing back in the day. That was the beginning of the end of me having confidence in their services and moving to self hosting as much as I can.

[-] BigVault@kbin.social 29 points 9 months ago

We was all at lunch one day at work and one of the supervisors came in and asked someone to do something when we finished lunch.

This particular nasty shit told him this was our break and to piss off. No one particularly found that necessary.

Supervisor guy apologised for disturbing our break, explaining he’s sorry and that it was the anniversary of his wife’s passing and he wasn’t thinking straight. He wasn’t one to disturb us on break normally.

The arsehole then replied to the supervisor something along the lines of “we don’t bring our problems in work and neither should you, so fuck off”

When the supervisor left, we all let the guy know what an arsehole he was for doing that.

Possibly one of the worst people I’ve ever worked with. He eventually got fired for posting derogatory stuff on Facebook about the job/people he worked with and the supervisor we worked with had a lovely retirement send off when he hit his old age.

[-] BigVault@kbin.social 49 points 10 months ago

Hospital emergency rooms across the UK are likely to be declaring a major incident to deal with the rash of injuries caused by the force of facepalming and banging heads against desks throughout the tech sector.

The NHS is struggling enough as it is.

[-] BigVault@kbin.social 27 points 10 months ago

On my way home from Spain as I type this, AirTags in luggage as always.

Haven’t had to rely on them at all due to loss luckily but I do like having them in our luggage.

[-] BigVault@kbin.social 81 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I've seen this one

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