In this situation I'd save a copy of the sheet to my phone in a standard format and use a non google app. The file itself can be backed up to on line storage and remain accessible from multiple devices but you remove it from googles walled garden.

On android if you want open source then Collabra is a full office suite based on LibreOffice. Alternatively LibreOffice Viewer is the official libre app - ok for viewing files but with an experimental mode for editing (not really ready for editing yet).

WPS Office is a free office suite with add or paid version which has a good reputation.

Microsoft Office is also an option.

If you want to stay with google sheets and just view the file offline then try saving a copy to your phone in a different format and view that with the Google spreadsheet app (if it can still do that). But I'd take the pop up as a sign that its time to move on from googles shitty products.

[-] 27 points 3 days ago

The thing about inflation is the food is not expensive, its the value of money that's gone down. Its salaries that are way too low to afford the new prices. The food isn't too expensive - employees are being underpaid.

[-] 24 points 3 days ago

Oxford University is older than calculus.

[-] 13 points 4 days ago

The real problem is in our technologically advanced and prosperous civilization, we no longer have true survival of the fittest to weed out the morons.

[-] 13 points 4 days ago

Fuckletoes is made up.

I've heard of all of the others.

[-] 19 points 6 days ago

Unfortunately for many, even in this day and age, there is not much choice. I main linux but also keep Windows on my PC as there are still tines when something will only work in Windows. Usually work related or gaming (VR in particular for me) and in fairness its increasingly rare.

Many other users aren't motivated to change. For Microsoft, its a bit like boiling a frog - if you turn up the heat slowly the frog just puts up with it. That's what Microsoft is doing to its customers - a slow constant enshittification, seeing what it can get away with. Try something and it causes outrage? Don't worry, just undo it and just try again in a few years! Many are already used to no privacy and being sold as a commodity that they don't even question it happening on their own personal computer.

[-] 128 points 1 week ago

Regardless of the supposed motivations, this is mass surveillance on a scale never seen before. The EU wants to become China 2.0.

[-] 165 points 1 week ago

No one seems to have actually read the article, just the headline. This is the ultimate click bait title - kudos to the headline writer in 1939.

The tl/dr: It's saying Hitler's authoritarian actions were galvanising other countries to step up and protect democracy after the failures after WW1.

In the final paragraph:

It is one of the most interesting phenomena of Hitler's political activity that it has resulted in bringing about so soon such an overwhelming and unprecedented manifestation of defensive solidarity amongst the democratic peoples.

And the final line of the article:

It would be the height of paradox if Hitler, of all persons, were destined by his statesmanship finally "to make the world safe for Democracy."

The article is surprisingly prescient.

[-] 215 points 3 weeks ago

Ironic that Libertarians are banning things in their own subreddit.

[-] 151 points 4 weeks ago

Manifest V2 phase out is a big deal, as Google is pushing towards Manifest 3 only. Google's version of Manifest 3 is hobbled by removing WebRequest blocking which breaks privacy and ad blocking tools - an obvious benefit to Google as an Ad and data harvesting company.

Firefox is implementing Manifest 3 with WebRequest blocking, as well as supporting Google's hobbled version declarativeNetRequest to allow compatibility with chrome extensions.


The New York Times has used a DMCA take down notice to remove an open source Wordle clone called Reactle

[-] 388 points 3 months ago

DRM-free doesn't mean piracy. GOGs whole business model is built around selling games DRM free. I don't pirate but I do use GOG where possible as I hate DRM - it punishes and inconveniences legitimate users for piracy and doesn't even solve the problem. DRM is just an expensive waste of money for everyone involved.


I'd been having problems with the scale of the VLC interface at 4K on my Linux machine (KDE Plasma, Wayland).

I found a solution from a mix of previous solutions for Windows and other Linux solutions which did not work for me. The problem is with QT (which is used by VLC) and the linux solution was to put extra lines in the /etc/environment file but I found while this fixed VLC it mucked up all other QT apps including my Plasma desktop.

The solution is to use VLC flatpak and set the environment variables for the VLC flatpak app only using Flatseal or the Flatpak Permission Settings in KDE.

Add two Environment variable:

Variable name: QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR Variable value: 0

Variable name: QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS Variable value: 2

For the second variable, scale_factors, set it to match the scaling you use on your desktop. 1.0 means 100%, 1.5 is 150%, 2 is 200% and so on. My desktop is set to 225% scaling, so I set mine to 2.25 and it worked. In the end I went up to 3 for VLC because I liked the interface even more at that scale (it's a living room TV Linux machine)

Hopefully this will help other people using VLC in Linux.

If you don't want to use Flatpak, you can add the same variables to your /etc/environment file (in the format QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=0) but be warned you may get jank elsewhere. This may be less problematic outside of KDE Plasma as that is QT based desktop environment. For Windows users it is a similar problem with QT and there are posts out there about where to put the exact same variables to fix the problem.

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